we have limitations on getting to places firstly bound by our only so capable physical bodies that we drag about everywhere our perspective of time goes (our minds !) And to an extent, Also being trapped inside this perspective, Only being able to move, By divergently obeying the parameters defined or perish in the process if carelessly undertaken, Due to these hard set, And up until now unbreakable parameters and still perhaps many to be broken, And Only having a limited shelf life, But if we were not so bound like living in a robot, Or being in a simulation where the percentage of time comprehension is slowed down so as to use it at a a different rate, Or even-like at 7% your mind will be in cave man sim to build up core memory, And then into later stages of the simulation development depending on rate of comprehension, Maybe after cave man you go to modern day, Or like i say depending on whatever learnt so some may have gone to 10 Bc or 1880 Ad as that time frame may be more relevant, Also Bug simulation for those slow coaches, Or did they pass us already ? But we are just to dum to to notice or get there yet !( Don't get mad I'm on a roll) And maybe the bugs be waiting > NOT , So the next 30-45% some kind of grater intellect perhaps, Pah we only use 10% of our mind, Now look out side the box at the % that has not even been developed let alone in operation, and some of what is there, may still only mapping very basic core for god mode, In god mode we get the big guns and time may be less relevant or perhaps the clocks still tick-en, Just a god clock way much more something than ours.<br /> <br />P.s<br /> In God mode one will be so evolved that every limb on your body now would be more comparable to a basic tree root than an advanced limb-on God, Or like said before it may be the other way round tree mode maybe time to ponder all learnt before god mode so it is more like a human advance limb? <br /><br />In god mode its the real deal and you got to negotiate with