I have my doubts we are a simulation.This is implied in the "holodeck" thread, but: If the Universe as we know it is a simulation, where the heck is the original model that our simulation is based on? Are we living in a tiny ornament hanging from a cat's collar somewhere?
This is implied in the "holodeck" thread, but: If the Universe as we know it is a simulation, where the heck is the original model that our simulation is based on? Are we living in a tiny ornament hanging from a cat's collar somewhere?
I have my doubts we are a simulation.
What idiot would choose to live in this ? LOL
What is the extant text you reference for *Gnostic writings* and who translated this from the extant text? From what little I know about Gnostic writings, most are in koine Greek language, perhaps from the 2nd-3rd centuries A.D.
The true test is really going to be when we start getting close to the computing power required to actually reconstruct the entire universe as a simulation. I believe the whole thing is based on the idea that we will never be able to do that or have equivalent computing power. I have doubts as to whether this is the case because we have started constructing quantum computers and will be more limited by space/heat issues. This would be best solved in space, where you would have a lot less water to deal with.Somewhat ironically I was rewatching the Matrix last night...
I am not a professional scientist but I believe that we exist of & inside an extremely super massive astronomically large informationally physical & physically informational multidimensional polarized complex truth quantum logical matrix derived of a digital resolution of multiple different instances of a specialize form of entangleable & unentangleable quantum information.
Without a unified understanding of our universe that includes the nature and reality of consciousness any such idea remains in a box with Schrodinger's cat. Once added to our"attempted" understanding or even just an impetus to grow, the questions and answers to what our reality is will exponentially expand beyond our understanding. Yet many already know the answer through their own personal reality experiences. The Quantum medium might be the clear deep pool that ripples from the infinite thrown pebbles of our thoughts, whose expanding rings intersect and create the patterns, fields, and particles we imagine our existence to be within.
LOL, funny reaction.I'm just one of 8 billion clueless human lifeforms groping reality to try and understand where I and maybe all of us are. But for the highlight's meaning, it was somewhat outside the answer but very relevant, so highlighted. In the study of subjects related to human experiences in their personal realities. If you study cultural anthropology and religious, spiritual, sacred and similar experience with human perception and experience it becomes clear that our universe is not the mundane solid and spaces between that we are told, but might be well beyond such pedantic perceptions and modalities. I'm of late wanting to study how immersive gaming affects us and think it might show us literally how we are in such a simulation or one of the infinite realities or layers, or dimensions all happening at the same time and place. Wouldn't that be a hoot?
LOL, funny reaction.I'm just one of 8 billion clueless human lifeforms groping reality to try and understand where I and maybe all of us are. But for the highlight's meaning, it was somewhat outside the answer but very relevant, so highlighted. In the study of subjects related to human experiences in their personal realities. If you study cultural anthropology and religious, spiritual, sacred and similar experience with human perception and experience it becomes clear that our universe is not the mundane solid and spaces between that we are told, but might be well beyond such pedantic perceptions and modalities. I'm of late wanting to study how immersive gaming affects us and think it might show us literally how we are in such a simulation or one of the infinite realities or layers, or dimensions all happening at the same time and place. Wouldn't that be a hoot?
You lost me at "religious, spiritual, sacred"... these are all just human ideological constructs. They have no meaning and serve no "legit" service to mankind. Nevertheless I don't doubt the later part of that sentence, we know so little, almost anything is possible.
The gaming thing seems a bit silly, maybe just an excuse to play more video games?
He said he studied them. You can learn a lot from studying religions and spiritual things which religion is definitely not spiritual. I was actually able to break the mind control of my religion by studying other religions. It made me see how the Christian religion is nothing original at all but just a copy of a copy of a copy. Spiritual can be something as simple as walking in nature and doing a little meditation by a tree. No need for religion for that. Just going outside at night and looking at space can be spiritual. Nature can be very harmonious although it can be very chaotic also. The light and the dark and the positive and negative can all be seen just watching nature.
I know what he said and he seemingly correlated them as if they are facts about the universe, at least in the minds of people who believe these things, but believing is not seeing.
This statement here confuses me. Are you saying that the thoughts inside of our cellular constructed brains come before the matter which make our brains what they are?The Quantum medium might be the clear deep pool that ripples from the infinite thrown pebbles of our thoughts, whose expanding rings intersect and create the patterns, fields, and particles we imagine our existence to be within.
I think a fact can be defined as being a human based & derived inference of truth as put in place by our ability to think & our ability to perceive our reality. At the same time though if at some level energy, quanta or a specialized form of quantum information is what makes us what we are & if this energy, quanta or SFQI is quantum mechanical in nature then, in theory, at some level we humans must also be quantum mechanical in nature.In other words if that which makes our universe what it is is quantum mechanical in nature then, theoretically speaking, at some level our universe & all of that which is in it must also be quantum mechanical in nature. You see I believe that we humans are just another object of a quantum mechanical universe & as such I believe that we are a component of its quantum mechanical system.Well if you want to get down to the real niddy griddy we must even question what a fact is. If there is a big elephant in the room no two people are going to see that elephant the same way. One fact of the elephant of one person may be a different fact of the other person. Even in Quantum Physics they found someone's thought can change an outcome. So what really is even a fact?
I think a fact can be defined as being a human based & derived inference of truth as put in place by our ability to think & our ability to perceive our reality. At the same time though if at some level energy, quanta or a specialized form of quantum information is what makes us what we are & if this energy, quanta or SFQI is quantum mechanical in nature then, in theory, at some level we humans must also be quantum mechanical in nature.In other words if that which makes our universe what it is is quantum mechanical in nature then, theoretically speaking, at some level our universe & all of that which is in it must also be quantum mechanical in nature. You see I believe that we humans are just another object of a quantum mechanical universe & as such I believe that we are a component of its quantum mechanical system.