I don't quite understand the attitude problem you and some of the others that support alt.space companies have with NASA! There were two bidders for this contract. Unlike contracts to Halliburton that are for many times any NASA contract, but still have only one contractor, that is Halliburton whose ex CEO just happens to be Cheney. Go ahead and talk about all the pork!<br /><br />That NASA does not make its own hardware but uses American companies (that hire American workers at middle class wages and benefits) certainly IS not pork in the traditional sense. What , you have something against American tax dollars going to hire American workers?<br />As a side benefit of our tax support for the American aerospace industry, it is the LAST American industry that runs a positive balance of payments with international trade!! <br /><br />At this time the alt.space companies do NOT have the experience to handle these particular contracts, and the traditional American aerospace companies DO!<br /><br />As it does actually hire American aerospace companies (which are at the very least among the very best in the world if not THE very best in the world) NASA is far and away the most efficient government agency there is. Most of the other government agencies use only their own people directly to do what they do (and I personally don't even object to this, at least they ARE hiring American workers!).<br /><br />Finally, NASA is NOT just an expense as other government agencies are, it IS an investment in not only the future of this great country, it IS an investment in the entire future of ALL mankind! Without the space agencies of the world (including the alt.space groups) there literally IS no secular future for mankind! <br /><br />IF that is pork, I will gladly eat it (through my taxes)!!!!<br /><br />