<font color="yellow">"Adding segments doesn't make the SRB burn longer, it just adds more thrust. "</font><br /><br />Yep -- I screwed up. No matter how many times I tell myself to avoid making assumptions... they always creep in and bite me in the posterior. No matter -- we'll rerun the calculations with additional thruat rather than time. From a NASA article here I have updated thrust and burn time figures. The mass from the article matches my SRB4 mass X 1.2 estimate <b>to the kilogram</b> which is sort of fishy... but OK.<br /><br /><b>SRB4:</b><br />Gross Mass: 589,670 kg <br />Empty Mass: 86,183 kg <br />Thrust: 14,679 kN <br />Burn time: 123 sec <br />Total Thrust: 1,805,517 kN s <br /><br /><b>SRB5:</b><br />Gross Mass: 707,604 kg <br />Thrust: 16,013 kN <br />Burn time: 128 sec <br />Total Thrust: 2,049,664 kN s <br /><br />The second stage and Orion capsule mass estimates remain the same:<br /><br />Orion capsule: 25,000 kg<br />Second Stage: 141,521 kg<br /><br />The dv calcs then would be:<br /><br />Total Mass SRB4 stack: 756,191 kg <br />dv SRB4 - 2,387 m/s <br /><br />Total Mass SRB5 stack: 874,125 kg <br />dv SRB5 - <font color="red">2,345 m/s </font><br /><br />OK -- we have a problem here -- dv from the SRB5 is <b>less</b> than that of the SRB4. It's almost assuredly <b>my</b> problem... but I can't find it. Relevant quotes from the article:<br /><br /><i>"The five-segment test motor, which ran for 128 seconds and generated more than 3.6 million pounds of thrust..."</i><br /><br /><i>"This test motor ... ran five seconds longer than the motors fire when launching the Space Shuttle, produced 300,000 pounds of thrust over the motor's maximum limit of 3.3 million pounds, and included an additional fifth motor segment adding 25 percent more propellant. Of the test motor's total weight of 1.56 million pounds..."</i><br /><br />So this indicates the following:<br />