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Astrophotography is a lot of fun but does take time, effort and of course $$ to do. One of the biggest rewards for me has been the amount of knowledge I have gained about not only astrophotography but also about the solar system, galaxy, nebulas, clusters, etc. I've only been at it for about two years now and have so much more I want to do.<br /><br />One of my favorite targets (the Milkyway) can be taken with just a camera and lens. It does not take a lot of time to capture.<br /><br />Here is a shot I took last summer.


Nice shot! So, are you gonna let us in on how you took it?<br /><br />Camera -<br />Lens -<br />f/ratio -<br />Exposure time -<br /># of Exposures -<br />Stacking Program -<br />Mount -<br />Tracking Device -<br /><br />Share your knowledge. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" /><br /><br />


This shot was taken with a Canon 10D and Sigma 105mm Macro lens @ f/2.8, ISO 800 for 3 minutes. Although I usually use Registax for stacking, it is not really necessary for wide field shots like this. However, editing is necessary I used Photoshop CS2.<br /><br />The camera and lens were mounted on a Meade LX200 8" GPS SCT. it is equipped with a wedge.<br /><br />Dennis


Hi Dennis -<br /><br />Cool...! Is this picture reduced in size? I know I hate posting my pictures of the Milky Way on SDC becuase so much is lost in the reduction to make the file size compatable with SDC's file size limit.<br /><br />You have CS2...? You must be a millionaire! <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" /> I dl'd the 'trial' version - good for 30 days but ended up buying Elements. Which reminds me - I need to send in my $30 rebate...


Hi Brad - Unfortunately, the pic is reduced in size to met the size requirement to post here. <br /><br />I like CS2 very much but then again I've been working with PS since before it was real popular (Version 2). Back then, you could find it for $199. Since then, I have been able to get the upgrades. <br /><br />I envy your perpetual clear skies. This winter, we had only about 5 or 6 nights that I could get out and shoot. <br /><br />Clear Skies - Dennis


Well, perpetually clear is what you think they would be out here in the middle of the desert. But, since last July, something has changed in the atmosphere. If not down-right cloudy, we constantly have high, thin clouds. They are not really clouds but something close to it - I can't really explain it. The skies may look clear, but as the sun sets you can see a high layer of ......??????...??.....????...., blurrines. Yes, that's what it is - blurriness! Like a thin layer of fog or whispy smoke way, way up there. Or, we have had very high winds.<br /><br />My big thing is hunting down mag 13-16 galaxies. I've seen everything else bunches of times. So, even on a mediocre night, I've not even bothered to go out to the desert with my big 'scope since last July. Come to think of it, I haven't even seen the Milky Way in almost a year. That's unusal for me so I observe vicariously through pictures kindly posted here at SDC by people like you. (And Thom - whose pictures I've already drooled over once or twice!)<br /><br />The weather pattern HAS GOT TO return to normal someday. Please, oh please, oh please! I swear, it's not my fault - I haven't bought any new astronomical equipment in forever - please! Anyway...thanks again for your info and photo. Don't stop now!


We get that high, almost invisible cloud here sometimes. It's really annoying because although you can see many stars and such, it's not quite as clear as it should be. Especially bad on moonless nights when viewing should be perfect but it's compromised. :-(


You know, now that you've mentioned it, last night it finally cleared except for the high thin layer of what I thought was marine air. In the past, I've thought it was just smoke and pollution from the industrialized and highly populated areas like Portland (Or), New York, Boston, etc. Here, the summers can get bad if there are fires around the area. I guess we all need to be working at 10,000 feet or so.<br /><br />On that note, here's another wide view of the MW.<br /><br />This is one of my favorites from last summer as it shows M8, 16, 17, and 20 in the same shot as well as the Pipe Nebula. <br /><br />This was shot with a Canon 10D and SIgma 105mm lens in Bulb mode for 3 minutes. The camera was mounted to my LX200 GPS for tracking, etc.<br /><br />I am looking forward to doing the same shots with my 20Da.


Very Nice...! I found out a couple weeks ago that my G5 has a bulb mode and I can have the shutter stay open longer then 15" at a time. One day, I'll give it a try. Do you have the larger versions posted anywhere on-line?


I have a G2 but 15 sec. is the limit. Glad to hear the G5 has broken the barrier. I will look forward to seeing the result of the G5. <br /><br />I'm picking up a Ha filter soon and giving it a try with my 20Da. I'll post the results and give a review.<br /><br />Dennis


I have somewhat larger versions through my website at Thanks for asking.<br /><br />Dennis


Wow, you certainly do! Not much bigger but many more wonderful astrophotos. I hope you don't mind - I'm gonna make a click-able link so others can see. If you don't like/want it, please let me know and I'll edit it out. I'll check back later tonight or PM me.<br /><br /><b>Astrophotography by Dennis</b>


Brad - I don't mind the link. It is an encouragement for me to keep things up to date. Thanks for your nice comments!<br /><br />Dennis


Then my work here is done. <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" />
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