Well, perpetually clear is what you think they would be out here in the middle of the desert. But, since last July, something has changed in the atmosphere. If not down-right cloudy, we constantly have high, thin clouds. They are not really clouds but something close to it - I can't really explain it. The skies may look clear, but as the sun sets you can see a high layer of ......??????...??.....????...., blurrines. Yes, that's what it is - blurriness! Like a thin layer of fog or whispy smoke way, way up there. Or, we have had very high winds.<br /><br />My big thing is hunting down mag 13-16 galaxies. I've seen everything else bunches of times. So, even on a mediocre night, I've not even bothered to go out to the desert with my big 'scope since last July. Come to think of it, I haven't even seen the Milky Way in almost a year. That's unusal for me so I observe vicariously through pictures kindly posted here at SDC by people like you. (And Thom - whose pictures I've already drooled over once or twice!)<br /><br />The weather pattern HAS GOT TO return to normal someday. Please, oh please, oh please! I swear, it's not my fault - I haven't bought any new astronomical equipment in forever - please! Anyway...thanks again for your info and photo. Don't stop now!