Or, when the ship that has been under continuous power is inerted it will match physics with the locality. The wormhole will disappear (the duality will disappear) . . . the local-relative universe, including the ship, will renormalize, just like it does in science-fiction. If Jules Verne could forecast modern physics to a certain degree, so can those who can see and predict the potential future in 21st century realizations of physics.
The scientist Lord Kelvin in the 1890s predicted that no heavier than air craft could ever fly. It didn't take long to disprove that.
John von Neumann predicted in the 1940s that computers would become so titanic they would occupy entire city blocks and no could afford the computer but the richest countries and corporations. Our cell phones and some watches alone have undone that great scientist's prophecy.
The prediction today is that our future power technologies in our spaceships will never contract the relative local universe around the spaceship to a form of Lilliputian "fly over country" ("spooky action at a distance"). Also, will never protect us from the environment of space.
To date, history has proved the naysayers wrong again and again, and again, regarding genius, technologies and regarding adapting environments to suit!