Beta Test Request for Units of Measure Quiz

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Guest<br /><br />Ok, I've put together 32 multiple choice questions. Don't harp at me about the color scheme and layout yet; I just used the default settings for that. I'll switch it around later to make it compatible with the rest of my website.<br /><br />I am expecting to catch some flak over my questions on significant digits, so later on I'll be adding some text from chapter two of my college book on chemistry that deals with it.<br /><br />What I need are suggestions for improving the wording. If you do find an incorrect answer, then by all means let me know. Many of the questions have feedback on incorrect answers, as well as feedback on the correct ones, so there well might be some goofy mistakes burried in there somewhere. I'm also pretty sure that the feedback text doesn't fit into the frames that I've given, so if you see a display problem on any question, let me knnow.<br /><br />Thanks guys. And thanks for providing some of the very creative incorrect responses for the test.
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