Beyond the Horizon

Jan 2, 2024
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In conversing with 'billslugg' and 'Greenlight' an idea occurred which would explain why current observations by the James Webb telescope are not very compatible with expectations.

Galaxies observed in the very early universe are found to be much more advanced in their development than expected. Indeed they differ so much from predictions from the 'Standard Model' as to suggest our current models are wrong.

Discussion however has prompted me to suggest:
a) an escape velocity from our current gravitationally bound area would reveal (to a camera) regions of the universe beyond our current horizon (the observable universe horizon)
b) It is assumed that as we look out toward the horizon we look back in time toward t=0 and therefore the Big Bang - the origin of the universe.
c) It is assumed that at extreme distances we observe galaxies which existed at the earliest time of the universe
d) If we can see galaxies (scenario at a) above beyond our horizon then we might observe galaxies (under current assumptions) before the BB (clearly illogical)
e) Logically then our current inexplicable observations must only describe galaxies the same age as ourselves but our assumed model is more likely a hypersphere and not a flat universe.
f) Perhaps we see around a circumference and not to an origin.
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