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Keep SEarching how the universe works

[Submitted on 15 Dec 2024]

Cosmic reverberations on a constrained f(Q,T)-model of the Universe​

Akanksha Singh, Shaily, J. K. Singh
In this paper, we construct an isotropic cosmological model in the f(Q,T) theory of gravity in the frame of a flat FLRW spacetime being Q the non-metricity tensor and T the trace of the energy-momentum tensor. The gravity function is taken to be a quadratic equation, f(Q,T)=ζQ2+γT, where ζ<0 and γ are the arbitrary constants. We constrain the model parameters α and H0 using the recent observational datasets: the Hubble dataset (OHD), the Pantheon dataset of 1048 points, and the joint dataset (OHD + Pantheon). The universe model transits from an early deceleration state to an acceleration in late times. This model also provides the ekpyrotic phase of the universe on the high redshift z>12.32. In this model, the Big Bang is described as a collision of branes, and thus, the Big Bang is not the beginning of time. Before the Big Bang, there is an ekpyrotic phase with the equation of state ω>>1. In late times, the undeviating Hubble measurements reduce the H0 tension in the reconstructed f(Q,T) function. Additionally, we study various physical parameters of the model. Finally, our model describes a quintessence dark energy model at later times.
I take this paper with a pinch of salt.
Make your own mind about this paper.
They make up time to their own narrative.
Maybe I'm wrong.

[Submitted on 16 Dec 2024]

The Age-Thickness Relation of the Milky Way Disk: A Tracer of Galactic Merging History​

Lekshmi Thulasidharan, Elena D'Onghia, Robert Benjamin, Ronald Drimmel, Eloisa Poggio, Anna Queiroz
The prevailing model of galaxy formation proposes that galaxies like the Milky Way are built through a series of mergers with smaller galaxies over time. However, the exact details of the Milky Way's assembly history remain uncertain. In this study, we show that the Milky Way's merger history is uniquely encoded in the vertical thickness of its stellar disk. By leveraging age estimates from the value-added LAMOST DR8 catalog and the StarHorse ages from SDSS-IV DR12 data, we investigate the relationship between disk thickness and stellar ages in the Milky Way using a sample comprising Red Giants (RG), Red Clump Giants (RCG), and metal-poor stars (MPS). Guided by the IllustrisTNG50 simulations, we show that an increase in the dispersion of the vertical displacement of stars in the disk traces its merger history. This analysis reveals the epoch of a major merger event that assembled the Milky Way approximately 11.13 billion years ago, as indicated by the abrupt increase in disk thickness among stars of that age, likely corresponding to the Gaia-Sausage Enceladus (GSE) event. The data do not exclude an earlier major merger, which may have occurred about 1.3 billion years after the Big Bang. Furthermore, the analysis suggests that the geometric thick disk of the Milky Way was formed around 11.13 billion years ago, followed by a transition period of approximately 2.6 billion years leading to the formation of the geometric thin disk, illustrating the galaxy's structural evolution. Additionally, we identified three more recent events -- 5.20 billion, 2.02 billion, and 0.22 billion years ago -- potentially linked to multiple passages of the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy. Our study not only elucidates the complex mass assembly history of the Milky Way and highlights its past interactions but also introduces a refined method for examining the merger histories of external galaxies.
Another paper that has to be taken with a pinch of salt.
With all the information and Deep Field Images, one cannot age the Universe to 7.8 Billion Years.
Knowing quite well there a Billions of Galaxies before the Big Bang.

So! what's cooking?

[Submitted on 17 Dec 2024]

Emergent Universe in f(Q) gravity theories​

Hamid Shabani, Avik De, Tee-How Loo
One resolution of the ancient cosmic singularity, i.e., the Big Bang Singularity (BBS), is to assume an inflationary stage preceded by a long enough static state in which the universe and its physical properties would oscillate around certain equilibrium points. The early period is referred to as the Einstein Static (ES) Universe phase, which characterizes a static phase with positive spatial curvature. A stable Einstein static state can serve as a substitute for BBS, followed by an inflationary period known as the Emergent Scenario. The initial need has not been fulfilled within the context of General Relativity, prompting the investigation of modified theories of gravity. The current research aims to find such a solution within the framework of symmetric teleparallel gravity, specifically in the trendy f(Q) theories. An analysis has been conducted to investigate stable solutions for both positively and negatively curved spatial FRW universes, in the presence of a perfect fluid, by utilizing various torsion-free and curvature-free affine connections. Additionally, we propose a method to facilitate an exit from a stable ES to a subsequent inflationary phase. We demonstrate that f(Q) gravity theories have the ability to accurately depict the emergence of the universe.
Jan 6, 2025
Scientists have to cover every base and overturn bases to understand the ongoing universe, where we have no origin no end.

[Submitted on 17 Dec 2024]

Asymmetries from a charged memory-burdened PBH​

Basabendu Barman, Kousik Loho, Óscar Zapata
We explore a purely gravitational origin of observed baryon asymmetry and dark matter (DM) abundance from asymmetric Hawking radiation of light primordial black holes (PBH) in presence of a non-zero chemical potential, originating from the space-time curvature. Considering the PBHs are described by a Reissner-Nordström metric, and are produced in a radiation dominated Universe, we show, it is possible to simultaneously explain the matter-antimatter asymmetry along with right DM abundance satisfying bounds from big bang nucleosynthesis, cosmic microwave background and gravitational wave energy density due to PBH density fluctuation. We also obtain the parameter space beyond the semiclassical approximation, taking into account the quantum effects on charged PBH dynamics due to memory burden.
Scientists thinking along, the Big Bang Theory will attempt to fit observations in the first billion years.

An ultra-massive galaxy would have taken more than 20 billion years to form. Billions of Galaxies were in existence before the estimated 13.8 Billion year age of the Big Bag Universe.

[Submitted on 17 Dec 2024]

PANORAMIC: Discovery of an Ultra-Massive Grand-Design Spiral Galaxy at z∼5.2​

Mengyuan Xiao, Christina C. Williams, Pascal A. Oesch, David Elbaz, Miroslava Dessauges-Zavadsky, Rui Marques Coelho Chaves, Longji Bing, Zhiyuan Ji, Andrea Weibel, Rachel Bezanson, Gabriel Brammer, Caitlin Casey, Aidan P. Cloonan, Emanuele Daddi, Pratika Dayal, Andreas L. Faisst, Marijn Franx, Karl Glazebrook, Anne Hutter, Jeyhan S. Kartaltepe, Ivo Labbe, Guilaine Lagache, Seunghwan Lim, Benjamin Magnelli, Felix Martinez, Michael V. Maseda, Themiya Nanayakkara, Daniel Schaerer, Katherine E. Whitaker
We report the discovery of an ultra-massive grand-design red spiral galaxy, named Zhúlóng (Torch Dragon), at zphot=5.2+0.3−0.2 in the JWST PANORAMIC survey, identified as the most distant bulge+disk galaxy with spiral arms known to date. Zhúlóng displays an extraordinary combination of properties: 1) a classical bulge centered in a large, face-on exponential stellar disk (half-light radius of Re=3.7±0.1kpc), with spiral arms extending across 19 kpc; 2) a clear transition from the red, quiescent core (F150W−F444W=3.1 mag) with high stellar mass surface density (log(ΣM⋆/M⊙kpc−2)=9.91+0.11−0.09) to the star-forming outer regions, as revealed by spatially resolved SED analysis, which indicates significant inside-out galaxy growth; 3) an extremely high stellar mass at its redshift, with log(M⋆/M⊙)=11.03+0.10−0.08 comparable to the Milky Way, and an implied baryon-to-star conversion efficiency (ϵ∼0.3) that is 1.5 times higher than even the most efficient galaxies at later epochs; 4) despite an active disk, a relatively modest overall star formation rate (SFR=66+89−46 M⊙yr−1), which is >0.5 dex below the star formation main sequence at z∼5.2 and >10 times lower than ultra-massive dusty galaxies at z=5−6. Altogether, Zhúlóng shows that mature galaxies emerged much earlier than expected in the first billion years after the Big Bang through rapid galaxy formation and morphological evolution. Our finding offers key constraints for models of massive galaxy formation and the origin of spiral structures in the early universe.
Jan 12, 2025
if the CMB, as the basis for calculating the Age of the Universe is wrong, then it implies the universe is older than 13.8BY

conversely, having evidence that the universe is greater than 13.8BY old implies that the age calculated by the CMB is incorrect, which means our definition of the CMB is incorrect.

i continue to be curious why modern astrophysics insists on forcing the former through a growing pile of convoluted math, instead of acknowledging the latter.

it is anathema to the scientific process to continue to formulate wild theories to support an entrenched paradigm instead of allowing observation to change the paradigm. it has been observed, through ultra-massive galaxies, that the universe is older than 13.8BY, therefore the entire CMB age has to be abandoned.

it is time astrophysics started acting like a science instead of a cult.
CMB has to be scientifically investigated.

CMB is not evidence of the Big Bang.

CMB is what it is CMB.

The Big Bang Theory keeps moving the goal posts as to the universe's age.

Many scientists were paid ti write papers supporting the BBT.
The Mob can have a million scientists supporting the BBT.
Does not give evidence to support the BBT

Although I will post papers supporting the BBT
Scientists go on a limb to research the workings of the ongoing universe.
Sometimes against the odds.

[Submitted on 18 Dec 2024]

Dual relativity and its cosmological consequences​

V. I. Tselyaev
A new version of the modified theory of gravity is formulated in which two physical metrics are constructed out of two vierbeins connected with each other by the duality condition including the flat metric of the prior geometry. The duality condition plays a crucial role in this theoretical scheme, and thus gives the name to the whole approach: the theory of dual relativity (TDR). The energy-momentum tensor density of a closed system is defined, and the conservation law for this tensor density is deduced. In the TDR it is assumed that there exist two kinds of matter governed by the mutually dual physical metrics, and it is shown that the interaction between them has antigravitational character. A cosmological limit of the field equations of the TDR is considered. In this limit, there are two types of solutions: with positive and with negative energy density. The first type admits the existence of a stable Universe as a whole. The second type gives the oscillations of the cosmological scale factor within the finite limits excluding the zero point, that can be treated as a solution for a certain domain of the Universe. For this type of solutions, the model formula for the dependence of the Hubble parameter H on the redshift z has been obtained. The values of the parameters of this formula are found from the fit to the available H(z) data. It is obtained that the TDR gives a better description of the H(z) data as compared to the flat ΛCDM model. The important consequences of the obtained results are, first, their incompatibility with the standard Big Bang model and, second, the existence of two critical values of the scale factor determining the points of its sharp change in the course of oscillations in the solutions of the second type.