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Am I wasting my time posting papers?

[Submitted on 13 Jun 2023]

Reheating after Inflaton Fragmentation​

Marcos A. G. Garcia, Mathias Pierre
In the presence of self-interactions, the post-inflationary evolution of the inflaton field is driven into the non-linear regime by the resonant growth of its fluctuations. The once spatially homogeneous coherent inflaton is converted into a collection of inflaton particles with non-vanishing momentum. Fragmentation significantly alters the energy transfer rate to the inflaton's offspring during the reheating epoch. In this work we introduce a formalism to quantify the effect of fragmentation on particle production rates, and determine the evolution of the inflaton and radiation energy densities, including the corresponding reheating temperatures. For an inflaton potential with a quartic minimum, we find that the efficiency of reheating is drastically diminished after backreaction, yet it can lead to temperatures above the big bang nucleosynthesis limit for sufficiently large couplings. In addition, we use a lattice simulation to estimate the spectrum of induced gravitational waves, sourced by the scalar inhomogeneities, and discuss detectability prospects. We find that a Boltzmann approach allows to accurately predict some of the main features of this spectrum.
No you are not wasting your time, Harry. Just understand you are tightening your belt of order, your circle of understanding, very tight.

Einstein said that if he couldn't make his wife understand him, he wasn't explaining things right. My wife of more than fifty-five years, on the other hand, simply ignores me in these particular interests of mine.
Am I wasting my time posting papers?

[Submitted on 13 Jun 2023]

Reheating after Inflaton Fragmentation​

Marcos A. G. Garcia, Mathias Pierre
Temperature taken to above Big Bang levels happens also to be temperature taken to sub-absolute zero levels, thus temperature taken beyond an explosive and exploded level. In other words, taken to some imaginary level only.

Something else in case you haven't understood me recently. I've redefined my definition of gravity to an outside-in fundamental force via the Big Bang string-Horizon. An infinity, or infinity backed, background gravity wave (Now being defined by others as "Gravity Wave Background" ("GWB") and force that, as I have it, is all push and gravity / anti-gravity, all at once omni-directionally outside-in, including from the Planck string-Horizon outside-in, altogether culminating and coalescing to and into the string-horizon of the strong binding force (aka, to me, quantum gravitational strong binding force (no longer just strong nuclear force)).

Finally coming to an understanding of my own of the weak force (W(+1), W(-1), Z(0(1))) and the electroweak force, thus also of the electromagnetic force, and the magnetic monopole (spacetime bent and bending moment into 0-point) singularity, awakened me to the above concerning the gravitational, the strong, and the gravitational-strong.

Infinite, absolute, density = infinitely, absolutely, deep hole. An infinite, absolute, vacuum (Z(0(1))) energy. Graviton (0(1)) / Gluon (0(1)) / Photon (0(1)). Or something like that, so far.
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Jun 11, 2023
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Am I wasting my time posting papers?

[Submitted on 13 Jun 2023]

Reheating after Inflaton Fragmentation​

Marcos A. G. Garcia, Mathias Pierre
Well Harry, keep posting papers!! I've downloaded some and read parts of most of your referenced papers!!
In your earlier posts, you denied that the universe could be a mere 13.77 billion years old!! And You postulated that the universe must be many trillions of years old!!
Can you agree with me that the universe is infinitely old like a quintillion to the quintillionth power and that neutron indestructible permeable sacs evolved over infinite time in our finite in volume universe instead of being pulled out vacuum miraculously in pairs that immediately annihiliated each other??
Though your posted papers are unlikely to change The Only Grand Unified Theory Of The Cosmos And Everything That Works With Newtonian Physics Written By Yours Truly Adoni!!
The Key To Understanding Dark Matter And The Dark Energy Of The DiPole RePeller Void Discovered In 2017 (You Should Check Out The 5 Minute Video On The DiPole RePeller Void) Is To Understand That Gravitational Force Is The Direct Function Of Mass And The Rate At Which The Matter Particles Of The Mass Heat Up!!
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The universe is infinite, and it does not matter how you approach it.
Saying this again
You cannot create matter/energy.
You cannot destroy mater/energy.

But we know that matter/energy can be transformed from one phase/state to another.

Therefore, we can date Stars, Galaxies, Clusters of Galaxies and Super Clusters of etc etc., in cyclic events we can predict the next phase.

Dark Matter/ Energy can be explained by understanding Condensates and their Transients.

Dipolar void and heating up particles I will have to come back to this latter, have to get my head around it.

OFF to sleep to dream
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The universe is infinite, and it does not matter how you approach it.
Saying this again
You cannot create matter/energy.
You cannot destroy mater/energy.

But we know that matter/energy can be transformed from one phase/state to another.

Therefore, we can date Stars, Galaxies, Clusters of Galaxies and Super Clusters of etc etc., in cyclic events we can predict the next phase.

Dark Matter/ Energy can be explained by understanding Condensates and their Transients.

Dipolar void and heating up particles I will have to come back to this latter, have to get my head around it.

OFF to sleep to dream
We don't always agree but I do read you, Harry. Dense as it may be to me!, Harry. ".... perhaps to dream."
The James Web images show thousands of mature galaxies.
They assume the Big Bang Theory is correct and proceed to say that these galaxies are early galaxies formed in the first 500 million years.
If you know anything about the formation of clusters of galaxies, 500 million years is a drop in the bucket.

So! why do they assume that the Big Bang is correct?
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In search of answers, maybe because, I'm narrow minded, whatever that means.
We are at the steps of understanding.
Our knowledge of the ongoings within the universe is quite small.
Yes! we know very little.

Phase transitions opens doors.

[Submitted on 24 Jun 2023]

Impact of Multiple Phase Transitions in Dense QCD on Compact Stars​

Armen Sedrakian
This review covers several recent developments in the physics of dense QCD with an emphasis on the impact of multiple phase transitions on astrophysical manifestations of compact stars. It is conjectured that pair-correlated quark matter in β-equilibrium is within the same universality class as spin-imbalanced cold atoms and the isospin asymmetrical nucleonic matter, which then implies the emergence of phases with broken space symmetries and tri-critical (Lifshitz) points. We construct an equation of state (EoS) which extends the two-phase EoS of dense quark matter within the constant speed of sound parameterization by adding a conformal fluid with a speed of sound cconf.=1/3–√ at densities ≥10nsat, where nsat is the saturation density. With this input, we construct static, spherically symmetrical compact hybrid stars in the mass-radius diagram, recover such features as the twins and triplets, and show that the transition to conformal fluid leads to spiraling-in of the tracks in this diagram. Stars on the spirals are classically unstable with respect to the radial oscillations but can be stabilized if the conversion timescale between quark and nucleonic phases at their interface is larger than the oscillation period. Finally, we review the impact of a transition from high-temperature gapped to low-temperature gapless two-flavor phase on the thermal evolution of hybrid stars.
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Even though I disagree with this paper.
You may find something that I did not see.

[Submitted on 13 Jul 2023]

PRyMordial: The First Three Minutes, Within and Beyond the Standard Model​

Anne-Katherine Burns, Tim M.P. Tait, Mauro Valli
In this work we present PRyMordial: A package dedicated to efficient computations of observables in the Early Universe with the focus on the cosmological era of Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN). The code offers fast and precise evaluation of BBN light-element abundances together with the effective number of relativistic degrees of freedom, including non-instantaneous decoupling effects. PRyMordial is suitable for state-of-the-art analyses in the Standard Model as well as for general investigations into New Physics active during BBN. After reviewing the physics implemented in PRyMordial, we provide a short guide on how to use the code for applications in the Standard Model and beyond. The package is written in Python, but more advanced users can optionally take advantage of the open-source community for Julia. PRyMordial is publicly available on GitHub.
Yes, I do not agree with the mentioning of Early Universe.
But! the information is worth reading.

[Submitted on 2 Aug 2023]

Signatures of Primordial Energy Injection from Axion Strings​

Joshua N. Benabou, Malte Buschmann, Soubhik Kumar, Yujin Park, Benjamin R. Safdi
Axion strings are horizon-size topological defects that may be produced in the early Universe. Ultra-light axion-like particles may form strings that persist to temperatures below that of big bang nucleosynthesis. Such strings have been considered previously as sources of gravitational waves and cosmic microwave background (CMB) polarization rotation. In this work we show, through analytic arguments and dedicated adaptive mesh refinement cosmological simulations, that axion strings deposit a sub-dominant fraction of their energy into high-energy Standard Model (SM) final states, for example, by the direct production of heavy radial modes that subsequently decay to SM particles. This high-energy SM radiation is absorbed by the primordial plasma, leading to novel signatures in precision big bang nucleosynthesis, the CMB power spectrum, and gamma-ray surveys. In particular, we show that CMB power spectrum data constrains axion strings with decay constants fa≲1012 GeV, up to model dependence on the ultraviolet completion, for axion masses ma≲10−29 eV; future CMB surveys could find striking evidence of axion strings with lower decay constants.
The idea that Bangs can occur over an over is something noting.
[Submitted on 21 Jul 2023]

Geometrogenesis in GFT: an analysis​

Álvaro Mozota Frauca
In this paper I introduce the idea of geometrogenesis as suggested in the group field theory literature and I offer a criticism of it. Geometrogenesis in the context of GFT is the idea that what we observe as the big bang is nothing else but a phase transition from a non-geometric phase of the universe to a geometric one which is the one we live in and the one to which the spacetime concepts apply. GFT offers the machinery to speak about geometric and non-geometric phases, but I argue that there are serious conceptual issues that threaten the viability of the idea. Some of these issues are directly related to the foundations of GFT and are concerned with the fact that it isn't clear what GFT amounts to and how to understand it. The other main source of trouble has to do with geometrogenesis itself and its conceptual underpinnings as it is unclear whether it requires the addition of an extra temporal or quasitemporal dimension which is unwanted and problematic.
Maybe looking at the origin of our solar system may give some information to or against the BBT.

[Submitted on 29 Jun 2023]

The History of The Milky Way: The Evolution of Star Formation, Cosmic Rays, Metallicity, and Stellar Dynamics over Cosmic Time​

Jiro Shimoda, Shu-ichiro Inutsuka, Masahiro Nagashima
We study the long-term evolution of the Milky Way (MW) over cosmic time by modeling the star formation, cosmic rays, metallicity, stellar dynamics, outflows and inflows of the galactic system to obtain various insights into the galactic evolution. The mass accretion is modeled by the results of cosmological N-body simulations for the cold dark matter. We find that the star formation rate is about half the mass accretion rate of the disk, given the consistency between observed Galactic Diffuse X-ray Emissions (GDXEs) and possible conditions driving the Galactic wind. Our model simultaneously reproduces the quantities of star formation rate, cosmic rays, metals, and the rotation curve of the current MW. The most important predictions of the model are that there is an unidentified accretion flow with a possible number density of ∼10−2 cm−3 and the part of the GDXEs originates from a hot, diffuse plasma which is formed by consuming about 10 % of supernova explosion energy. The latter is the science case for future X-ray missions; XRISM, Athena, and so on. We also discuss further implications of our results for the planet formation and observations of externalgalaxies in terms of the multimessenger astronomy.
Simple mathematics.
If we can see objects, such as super clusters like Hercules Great Wall spending 10 billion light years, and we find millions of superclusters of galaxies throughout.
One would have second thoughts about the Big Bang.
I would also like to read your papers on DM DE
My comments on posts above:
Not all matter-energy and Big Bang BB concerns are addressable by BEC or SM alone.

Yes your comments on Gravitational-strong are relevant to GUT including this force or interaction but also others and such combinations as Electroweak to Strong and QED (electromagnetic photon) to strong such as e-Higgs or n, p.
So the picture gets complicated with such pairing and then people are measuring 2 or 3 Higgs and dibosons and tribosons.

My simple theory in a review paper submitted for Journal is that DM through the process described produces Matter-energy, and provides details of how and in how many steps.
Please wait some more and I will send link as soon s accepted.
(Dr. Ravi Sharma, Ph.D. USA)
NASA Apollo Achievement Award
ISRO Distinguished Service Awards
Former MTS NASA HQ MSFEB Apollo time frame
Former Scientific Secretary ISRO HQ
Ontolog Board of Trustees
Particle and Space Physics
Senior Enterprise Architect
If you accept the Big Bang coming out of a compact object. Which has extreme compaction 10^40 plus.
And if we assume Big Bang Nucleosynthesis.
Than we can predict
as the matter is released via a votex
Axion Gluon matter compact 10^35
Partonic Matter between 10^6 to 10^34
Quark Matter 10^18 to 10^25
Neutron matter 10^17
Atomic Matter 10^5
Normal matter

Knowing the above we also observe stars and clusters of stars being suck into Black Holes, so the reverse can happen.
this is called Cyclic Process
Dear Harry Costas

In your above chain reality starts after or at Partons, nothing is confirmed above that except redshift conjectured big bag which JWST is proving doubtful. All matter including some of the SM particles are not as long lived as n, p, e. and of course as you say the atomic, bulk matter etc. (we also estimate stellar galactic and large regions lifecycles through astrophysical observations.
But Partons and resonances such as mesons and BSM entities such as double Higgs etc., do form, but for insignificantly small periods.

Local big bangs are observed but I do not think this photonic observed universe has single big bang, most plausible are local big bangs.
Gravitational universe is being attempted from Einstein's days now more with LIGO and colliding Black Holes but Universal BB is a hypothesis,

BEC BSM And recent Luminosity experiments will take us to realistic view of DM which has been explained in the paper I have submitted for Journal publication, will send URL as soon as accepted.

(Dr. Ravi Sharma, Ph.D. USA)
NASA Apollo Achievement Award
ISRO Distinguished Service Awards
Former MTS NASA HQ MSEB Apollo time frame
Former Scientific Secretary ISRO HQ
Ontolog Board of Trustees
Particle and Space Physics
Senior Enterprise Architect


I understand what you are saying.
Let's take two steps back.

We observed Neutron Stars and the frequencies from the core being possibly quark matter.

Compactions is relative to the mass off matter that will allow the compaction to transient phases.

Confinement maybe calculated relative to the mass off matter and the shells of transients.
a few million solar masses
billion solar mass
100 billion
and so on.

just thinking aloud
Hello Dr Rav
you said
"In your above chain reality starts after or at Partons, nothing is confirmed above that except redshift conjectured big bag which JWST is proving doubtful. All matter including some of the SM particles are not as long lived as n, p, e. and of course as you say the atomic, bulk matter etc. (we also estimate stellar galactic and large regions lifecycles through astrophysical observations.
But Partons and resonances such as mesons and BSM entities such as double Higgs etc., do form, but for insignificantly small periods."

Under confinement
Transients from Axion Gluon Matter to partonic matter to Quark matter to Neutron matter can be confined.

unconfined that's another issue.
I question the logic behind their thinking.
Yet I hold back, not to influence your reading of this paper.

[Submitted on 15 Nov 2023]

Origin of an Orbiting Star Around the Galactic Supermassive Black Hole​

Shogo Nishiyama, Tomohiro Kara, Brian Thorsbro, Hiromi Saida, Yohsuke Takamori, Masaaki Takahashi, Takayuki Ohgami, Kohei Ichikawa, Rainer Schödel
The tremendous tidal force that is linked to the supermassive black hole (SMBH) at the center of our galaxy is expected to strongly subdue star formation in its vicinity. Stars within 1" from the SMBH thus likely formed further from the SMBH and migrated to their current positions. In this study, spectroscopic observations of the star S0-6/S10, one of the closest (projected distance from the SMBH of about 0.3") late-type stars were conducted. Using metal absorption lines in the spectra of S0-6, the radial velocity of S0-6 from 2014 to 2021 was measured, and a marginal acceleration was detected, which indicated that S0-6 is close to the SMBH. The S0-6 spectra were employed to determine its stellar parameters including temperature, chemical abundances ([M/H], [Fe/H], [alpha/Fe], [Ca/Fe], [Mg/Fe], [Ti/Fe]), and age. As suggested by the results of this study, S0-6 is very old (> ~10 Gyr) and has an origin different from that of stars born in the central pc region.
I question the logic behind their thinking.
Yet I hold back, not to influence your reading of this paper.

[Submitted on 15 Nov 2023]

Origin of an Orbiting Star Around the Galactic Supermassive Black Hole​

Shogo Nishiyama, Tomohiro Kara, Brian Thorsbro, Hiromi Saida, Yohsuke Takamori, Masaaki Takahashi, Takayuki Ohgami, Kohei Ichikawa, Rainer Schödel
So what is the thesis, the Star is not part of SMBH, and that should not be so hard, especially if we are not absolutely sure that it is part of same galaxy?
Around Super Massive Black Hole (non-classic no singularity)

We have two things happening, first, stars ejected out from a black Hole via a dipolar vortex.
Secondly stars being sucked in.

The spiral arms of a spiral galaxy are formed from the dipolar vortex.
In time, the arms will spiral in towards the center of the galaxy.

In the case of elliptical galaxy, unstable vortex forms the elliptical form.
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Although research in this field is ongoing, we are at the initial steps of understanding. The next few years are very promising. I would not jump the gun at this moment in time.

[Submitted on 14 Nov 2023]

An extended Lyman α outflow from a radio galaxy at z=3.7?​

Miguel Coloma Puga (1,2)Barbara Balmaverde (2)Alessandro Capetti (2)Francesco Massaro (1)Cristina Ramos Almeida (3,4)George Miley (5)Roberto Gilli (6)Alessandro Marconi (7,8) ((1) Department of Physics, Università di Torino Via Pietro Giuria, 1, 10125, Torino, Italy (2) INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Torino Via Osservatorio 20, I-10025 Pino Torinese, Italy (3) Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias C. Vía Láctea, s/n, 38205 La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain (4) Departamento de Astrofísica, Universidad de La Laguna 38206, La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain (5) Leiden Observatory, Leiden University PO Box 9513, 2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands (6) Osservatorio di Astrofisica e Scienza dello Spazio di Bologna Via Gobetti 93/3, I-40129 Bologna, Italy (7) Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia, Università degli Studi di Firenze Via G. Sansone 1, I-50019, Sesto Fiorentino, Firenze, Italy (8) INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri Largo E. Fermi 5, I-50125, Firenze, Italy)
Spatially resolved observations of AGN host galaxies undergoing feedback processes are one of the most relevant avenues through which galactic evolution can be studied, given the long lasting effects AGN feedback has on gas reservoirs, star formation, and AGN environments at all scales. Within this context we report results from VLT/MUSE integral field optical spectroscopy of TN J1049-1258, one of the most powerful radio sources known, at a redshift of 3.7. We detected extended (∼ 18 kpc) Lyman α emission, spatially aligned with the radio axis, redshifted by 2250 ± 60 km s−1 with respect to the host galaxy systemic velocity, and co-spatial with UV continuum emission. This Lyman α emission could arise from a companion galaxy, although there are arguments against this interpretation. Alternatively, it might correspond to an outflow of ionized gas stemming from the radio galaxy. The outflow would be the highest redshift spatially resolved ionized outflow to date. The enormous amount of energy injected, however, appears to be unable to quench the host galaxy's prodigious star formation, occurring at a rate of ∼4500 M⊙yr−1, estimated using its far infra-red luminosity. Within the field we also found two companion galaxies at projected distances of ∼25 kpc and ∼60 kpc from the host, which suggests the host galaxy is harbored within a protocluster.

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