first let me say hi everyone, this is my first post.
basicaly this is a question i asked a bit back at yahoo answers but nobody really gave me a decent answer so i figured i would ask here. i study physics on my spare time as a hobby so i may lack specific information that may invalidate the question. if you notice such an inconsistancy please let me know so i can continue to learn.
ok basicaly from what i understand is that matter in a black hole is basicaly...that matter except its compressed to a point of infinet desity and surrounded by infinetly powerful gravity (at least past the eventhorizon or at the singularity) now heres the tricky part.
we have two diffrent kinds of matter. regular matter which we all know and love and then anti matter, the famous fule of the mighty enterprize. so now when matter and anti matter come together they basicaly destroy eachother releasing a huge amount of energy. now inmagine we have a black hole made of regular matter and then another black hole made of anti matter (lets just say it somehow wandered from another antimatter galaxy (if such a thing exsists somewhere) or for the sake of argument... screw it lets just say where god for now
) shouldnt these two objects destroy eachother in theory? releasing the equvilant energy of their combined masses?
if they can then that would be one way to say unlock a black hole or be able to get the matter (or energy at least) that fell into the holes originally. and if they cant, say they just merge like they regularly would then why not? do the electrical charges of the matter get lost once they enter the black hole since they basicaly "leave the universe" as is so offten said? or maybe (gets tricky again :? ) in theory they do cancel eachother out but the gravity wont let that energy leave and since time is said to be zero in a blackhole time would never flow so the explosion could never happen anyway?(or maybe it does in an infinetly long timeline) or again because time slows down and stop then technicaly the antimatter would never actualy make contactwith the regular matter so it would be frozen in time so to speak.
hope that makes sence to somebody. these are the kinds of things that keep me up at night :lol:
basicaly this is a question i asked a bit back at yahoo answers but nobody really gave me a decent answer so i figured i would ask here. i study physics on my spare time as a hobby so i may lack specific information that may invalidate the question. if you notice such an inconsistancy please let me know so i can continue to learn.
ok basicaly from what i understand is that matter in a black hole is basicaly...that matter except its compressed to a point of infinet desity and surrounded by infinetly powerful gravity (at least past the eventhorizon or at the singularity) now heres the tricky part.
we have two diffrent kinds of matter. regular matter which we all know and love and then anti matter, the famous fule of the mighty enterprize. so now when matter and anti matter come together they basicaly destroy eachother releasing a huge amount of energy. now inmagine we have a black hole made of regular matter and then another black hole made of anti matter (lets just say it somehow wandered from another antimatter galaxy (if such a thing exsists somewhere) or for the sake of argument... screw it lets just say where god for now
if they can then that would be one way to say unlock a black hole or be able to get the matter (or energy at least) that fell into the holes originally. and if they cant, say they just merge like they regularly would then why not? do the electrical charges of the matter get lost once they enter the black hole since they basicaly "leave the universe" as is so offten said? or maybe (gets tricky again :? ) in theory they do cancel eachother out but the gravity wont let that energy leave and since time is said to be zero in a blackhole time would never flow so the explosion could never happen anyway?(or maybe it does in an infinetly long timeline) or again because time slows down and stop then technicaly the antimatter would never actualy make contactwith the regular matter so it would be frozen in time so to speak.
hope that makes sence to somebody. these are the kinds of things that keep me up at night :lol: