They are by every practical definition stranded. They have been stuck up there for eight months with no practical or legal way to get back home. At first, they'd have had to use someone else's space suit to return. Once replacement suits arrived, the only way they could have returned home is if they stole the escape capsule, stranding all the other astronauts.
Butch and Sunni are good soldiers, who will do (and say) what they are ordered to say "for the good of the service," which the NASA bureaucrats have decided is to never say anything that will point out what a huge Charlie Foxtrot NASA's decision to go years past schedule and billions of dollars over budget on another Boeing boondoggle. They know that if Butch and Sunni are allowed to say the truth, everyone with any common sense would demand the immediate suspension of Starliner and SLS, which too many NASA bureaucrats have staked their careers and pensions on.
Let's not forget why they're still up there: the "experts" at Boeing didn't account for the fact that Teflon, like nearly every other compound in the universe, expands when it heats up. They discovered leaks during the countdown to the earlier launch, and despite all the time between the scrapped launch and Butch and Sunni's launch, they didn't run proper thermal testing to verify they fixed the problem and decided to risk two human lives anyways.