The return of Boeings 1st crewed Starliner mission has been delayed to June 22.
Boeing's 1st Starliner astronaut mission return delayed to June 22 : Read more
Boeing's 1st Starliner astronaut mission return delayed to June 22 : Read more
Don't assume SpaceX is so altruistic. They too are into making money, as are all the other companies lobbing rockets into space.Complacency and arrogant leadership leads to crashed spacecraft and dead astronauts! SpaceX is in it for the exploration and the knowledge of "what's out there", Boeing is in it for the $$$$!
That's not the point. The point is that SpaceX works.Don't assume SpaceX is so altruistic. They too are into making money, as are all the other companies lobbing rockets into space.
...and making money. Not doing anything for free.That's not the point. The point is that SpaceX works.
You don't understand that neither the planet Mars, nor your Earth-first vision, will work! Both visions are isolationist from the energetically open systemic universe of an expansionist space frontier itself and dead-on-arrival on the way to extinction as the great Stephen Hawking foresaw and prophesized (1,000 years maximum to Man's extinction from implosion in the womb-world for refusing to begin any reality of birth, plugging any exhaustion in piping out-system of life's combustion in a world-class combustion engine, from it)!All the considerations of profit motive aside, wouldn't it make more sense to put the "going to the dead planet Mars" ideas to rest and use all those resources to save our one and only earth instead?
You don't understand that neither the planet Mars, nor your Earth-first vision, will work! Both visions are isolationist from the energetically open systemic universe of an expansionist space frontier itself and dead-on-arrival on the way to extinction as the great Stephen Hawking foresaw and prophesized (1,000 years maximum to Man's extinction from implosion in the womb-world for refusing to begin any reality of birth, plugging any exhaustion in piping out-system of life's combustion in a world-class combustion engine, from it)