Breaking the infinite pigeon hole theory

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"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
Interplanetary medium (See Wiki)
"Since the interplanetary medium is a plasma, or gas of ions, the interplanetary medium has the characteristics of a plasma, rather than a simple gas. For example, it carries the Sun's magnetic field with it, is highly electrically conductive (resulting in the heliospheric current sheet), forms plasma double layers where it comes into contact with a planetary magnetosphere or at the heliopause, and exhibits filamentation (such as in aurorae)."

Interstellar medium
"The interstellar medium is composed of multiple phases distinguished by whether matter is ionic, atomic, or molecular, and the temperature and density of the matter. The interstellar medium is composed, primarily, of hydrogen, followed by helium with trace amounts of carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen comparatively to hydrogen.[1] The thermal pressures of these phases are in rough equilibrium with one another. Magnetic fields and turbulent motions also provide pressure in the ISM, and are typically more important, dynamically, than the thermal pressure is."

Cat :)
Jan 10, 2020
The only thing that seems to have instant communication properties in our universe is Gravity.

Nope , Gravitys effects travel at the speed of light. Confirmed by Ligo. We see the ripples of gravity from stellar mergers simultaneous, or slightly before (space isnt quite a vacuum) the light from whatever caused it.
Nope , Gravitys effects travel at the speed of light. Confirmed by Ligo. We see the ripples of gravity from stellar mergers simultaneous, or slightly before (space isnt quite a vacuum) the light from whatever caused it.
Which reality of the speed of light are you talking about, the objective reality or the subjective? The real constant (non-local), or the relative (local)? One is a horizon constant and the other is a so-called absolute. One, the horizon constant, is constant to me sitting in my chair, driving my car at speed, constant to the Earth in rotation, the solar system in movement in the galaxy, the galaxy in movement in the universe, and Captain James T. Kirk traveling at warp speed in the starship Enterprise. No matter who or what measures it at these varying velocities, it will measure 'c' as opposed to the [local relative] velocity. There, then, it is always the horizon... constant. The Universe (U) is the reconciler of the dimensional difference. That reconciliation is, effectively, like one person sitting at a telescope on Earth [observing] you to be pretty much spinning your wheels and practically going nowhere in spacetime -- going away from Earth, when actually you are doing no such thing, and are traveling like a bat out of hell. What is in fact occurring? A separating out of relative universes. As the traveler you have left behind a ghost (there are two of you now, the real and the relative), light being so slow as to be unable to keep up with the expanding universe between you the traveler and the observer sitting on Earth. The observer observes you, rather your ghost (moments, to seconds, to minutes, to hours... to years behind you), to be slowing down in passage of time relative to his own passage of time. In reality you are a matter of dark matter in the universe now, at speed, ever expanding in distance between you and the observer, and, ever expanding in distance between you and your almost un-aging ghost that is all the observer can observe of you. While you are flying away at terrific and unknown speed (regarding the observer), your ghost (under observation) is ever more spinning his wheels due to the crawl of the speed of light trying to cross the lengthening distances.

Gravity does have instant communicative properties, as in its reach, its instant reach no matter how powerful or weak. It, whatever is the source, is always [one] with its 'well' (its 'hole'). What is observed is no more than its existence wherever, having nothing to do with its property of reach, which like the [real space-time] traveler described above can and does get swiftly -- in lengthening -- beyond the speed of light's crawl (gravity having an equivalency to such lengthening). Just as the lengthening is an accelerating expansion between real space-time traveler and real space-time observer (0-point and concurrent 0-point, to the Universe (U) just one), and real space-time traveler (objectively real) and relative space-time ghost (subjectively real (unreal)), so an oncoming travel reverses the picture, being an accelerating closure (an accelerating reduction in point triangulation) between the three, the two reals and the relative ghost. That subjectively real ghost traveler will appear, to the Earth-bound observer, to get older mighty fast (that subjectively real movie that appeared to be slow motion action before will appear to speed up and [fast forward] in time). The Universe still reconciling dimensions by readying three local universes -- two 3-densional and one 2-dimensional -- for a merger into one 3-dimensional, relatively speaking that is.
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Nope , Gravitys effects travel at the speed of light. Confirmed by Ligo. We see the ripples of gravity from stellar mergers simultaneous, or slightly before (space isnt quite a vacuum) the light from whatever caused it.
Gravity's wave on normal space travels at C.
Gravity has instant communication of location, us orbiting the true location of the sun and not it's C location.
Only really one way gravity can do both is a wake on fluctuation as it travels instantly in the nothing space of fluctuation. (space between quanta orbits) Nothing.

Time/space meaningless traveling through nothing.
Answers lots of the riddles of gravity and spooky action.
Also answers why black holes don't become infinite mass points.(time compression)

A gravity rethink is long overdue :)

"No matter who or what measures it at these varying velocities, it will measure 'c' as opposed to the [local relative] velocity."

Is not all relative velocity c?

Cat :)
One i always thought about was how fast is the universe moving?
Earth moving, sun moving, galaxy moving, universe moving?

What if the universe was moving at 99.9999 % C and reality/time so skewed it all happens in a millisecond on a pin head :)
We being stuck in it see it as a giant universe that will last trillions of years.

Food for thought.


"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
"One i always thought about was how fast is the universe moving?"

The Universe cannot be moving, since it is all embracing, and there is nothing "outside" it for relative motion to be established.

Cat :)
"One i always thought about was how fast is the universe moving?"

The Universe cannot be moving, since it is all embracing, and there is nothing "outside" it for relative motion to be established.

Cat :)
Unless we have an infinite or more than 1 number of universes then it could be traveling at any speed.

Maybe why we experience a flat universe is time dilation and with is size dilation.

I like to think i'm living in a universe that is larger than a pin head but i might be wrong :)


"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
IG, my friend. For once I disagree. Electricity depends on the flow of electrons. Imagine you are looking at the Moon, close (line of sight) to which is a distant nebula. Your thought can skip across tens of thousands of light years from one to the other because no speed of matter is involved.

Cat :)
IG, my friend. For once I disagree. Electricity depends on the flow of electrons. Imagine you are looking at the Moon, close (line of sight) to which is a distant nebula. Your thought can skip across tens of thousands of light years from one to the other because no speed of matter is involved.
In the sense that thought only takes place in the brain due to controlled electrical impulses, he has a point. Of course, there is dark or gray matter in my skull that greatly impedes any chance for a speed-of-light net rate of propagation. I would have responded sooner, but I had to think about this. ;)
"No matter who or what measures it at these varying velocities, it will measure 'c' as opposed to the [local relative] velocity."

Is not all relative velocity c?

Cat :)
"Is not all relative velocity c?" No. It might seem to be since it is "constant," but it is in fact the collapsed horizon of all possibility of "velocity," the singularity of all possibility, and thus separate from the potential infinity of the divide. Thus in any local dimension of velocity 'c' will be measured and realized to be 'c', the shared [collapsed] horizon of all. Thus the infinity of varying histories, including the sequenced strings (streams). Thus the infinity of strings, streams, of 2-dimensional [photo] frames always to be observed coming to observers but never to be observed to be going away (thus the impossibility of overtaking light frames from behind (they are not 3-dimensional (they, 2-dimensional single sided [photo] frames, are not [there], never [there] anywhere any time, from behind (do not exist from the back, having no such thing as a [back] side) to be overtaken -- or even observed -- at any velocity whatsoever))). If they had a back side, too (altogether a massively increased dimension (altogether an infinitely increased dimension)), they'd [be] the Big Crunch / Big Bang Universe (U).
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I think you know my opinion of "universes".

Do you know of any definition of Universe or universe which we can agree as common ground?

Cat :)
The universe is more of a wild guess than anything right now.
A few things pointing to us being just 1 though.

My best guess and feeling is that the BB is just an event in an endless universe of fluctuation.
With fluctuation and nothing as cause and effect of it all, just an energy balance.
BB just 1 marble in an endless bag of marbles in the sea of quantum fluctuation.



"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
I am content with a BB being an "egg timer" (narrow passage between two systems) where a system could be the Universe passing into another aspect (system). Same Universe transiting into another aspect of THE Universe. Any good? It replaces the singularity with a narrow nexus, avoiding all the infinite paradoxes. Still all imagination, just like a BB.

Cat :)
I am content with a BB being an "egg timer" (narrow passage between two systems) where a system could be the Universe passing into another aspect (system). Same Universe transiting into another aspect of THE Universe. Any good? It replaces the singularity with a narrow nexus, avoiding all the infinite paradoxes. Still all imagination, just like a BB.

Cat :)
Totally agree that just 1 BB could be just a section of forever in the same universe.
Seems logical that the behind the scenes activity is what creates matter/energy for BB's and not the other way around.
If any scenario of more than 1 BB exists each one will have a velocity and probably very close to C.
My thinking of how we measure a flat universe from 3 dimension is that we are have an illusion in both time and space because our base velocity is C or very near it. (entire BB moving at near C externally)

Great fun to thought experiment how insane the real universe might be and what a tiny bit we might be in a very skewed perspective.

Some crazy idea of how it all began, what the universe really is and if it's a forever and ever thing will come from some out of the box idea.

We both probably going to be wrong but putting forth ideas is the most important thing.
For sure everyone is wrong in our tech infant understanding of it all.
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"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
"We both probably going to be wrong but putting forth ideas is the most important thing.
For sure everyone is wrong in our tech infant understanding of it all."

Very good point.

Cat :)
I notice now that I didn't make myself as clear as I should have when I answered the question, "Is not all relative velocity 'c'?" with "No." I consider my answer was right and o.k. as far as it went but it didn't go far enough. Any mass existing at 'c' (and nothing whatsoever less than 'c') should be infinite in mass and density, and effectively [photo] stop action (therefore forever 'timeless') in animation, such as [is] the infinite eternal of the Big Crunch correlative with its collapsed horizon of the Big Bang (BC / BB). That 'collapsed horizon' (the Big Beginning) being the distantly collapsed horizon of each of all of an infinity of finite local universes, THAT infinity being the correlative of "the infinite eternal of the Big Crunch" ("correlative with its collapsed horizon of the Big Bang" ("being the distantly collapsed horizon of each of all of an infinity of finite local universes")).

"Is not all relative velocity 'c'?" No. Relativity is local. It breaks down. It divides. The constant of 'c' is constant horizon, a horizon constant.

And, just reminding, the Big Crunch, the Crunch of all crunches -- [the] one and only singularity (THE 'naked singularity') altogether infinite in mass and density -- is one hell of a big hole (THE 'Big Hole').
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Not quite finished here yet: ".... -- is one hell of a big hole (THE 'Big Hole')." The biggest 'Well' of them all. A well you could quite possibly fall or escape [out] [into] INERTIALESSLY, but the one you will never, ever, fall or escape out of. That infinite is fundamentally binary (base 2), Binary '0' and/or '1', Binary 'Hole' and/or 'Crunch'. Base 2.
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Not quite finished here yet: ".... -- is one hell of a big hole (THE 'Big Hole')." The biggest 'Well' of them all. A well you could quite possibly fall or escape [out] [into] INERTIALESSLY, but the one you will never, ever, fall or escape out of.
I guess light traveling at C would see the universe as infinitely small since it would make the trip from one side to the other in 0 time.

Now what happens if you go infinitely fast in an infinite size universe?
A terrible head scratcher of a problem :)
Having to do with frozen photo-frame in time and travel out into space from any source, barring interference, any material universe will exist in space and time at the speed of light expanding in growing difference between its animation and that frozen photo-frame in time at the speed of light. An exact reversal of roles. But only having to do with that light source "photo" frozen forever in time but traversing space at 'c'. It goes nowhere in space in zero time. The 'photo' frame, frozen, [is] space in zero time. It is an event snapshot. An instant after, it is history's 2-dimensional single-sided physicality, separating an event moment, almost instantly an event's history, a ghost universe so to speak, from real space-time events at the speed of light. Not only the growing separation in space, but the growing separation in time, occurs at the speed of light. The photo-frame's moment on the clock, and that clock, are frozen forever. Real space-time's events' clock (the real time universal clock moment) clocking moments is not. The difference between will always grow at the constant of 'c'. So, effectively, all change, immediate to all sources that is, exists and occurs at the speed of light. Our observation of change never will, though. All observation(s) never will, though. We will always only observe histories, though sometimes, as in quantum mechanics, histories' ghosts may seem indistinguishable from material events' reals. History's ghost universe, especially regarding quantum mechanics, here and there, now and then, may [circumstantially] seem indistinguishable from what may be considered the real universe (from a real time universal clock moment... and space). It, then, takes perception in place of observation to distinguish between them.
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"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
"Having to do with frozen photo-frame in time and travel out into space from any source, barring interference, any material universe will exist in space and time at the speed of light expanding in growing difference between its animation and that frozen photo-frame in time at the speed of light."

I am not quite sure what that means. Could you please simplify?

Cat :)


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