Bright green comet a rare 'messenger from the outer reaches of our solar system,' astronomers say

"Astronomers involved with the discovery of comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) are just as excited about its discovery as the public is."

*Excited public* viewing this comet? May be or perhaps not that excited too :)

I did view again this morning (15-Jan-2023).

Observed 0345-0415 EST. Last Quarter Moon 15-Jan-2023 0210 UT. The lovely Last Quarter Moon visible in Virgo when I used 10x50 binoculars and looked at the comet this morning, C/2022 E3 ZTF. Distinct fuzzy with hint of tail. reports apparent magnitude +6.90. Stellarium 1.2 shows 6.97, and Starry Night Pro Plus 8 shows 6.97. Easy to locate using a trio of stars. 4 Herculis, Chi Herculis, and 2 Herculis. These were 4.59 to 5.71 magnitude. The other trio were Phi Bootis, Nu2 Bootis, and Nu1 Bootis. They were about 4.96 to 5.25 magnitude stars. C/2022 E3 ZTF framed by these stars. About 2-degrees angular separation from 4 Herculis and Phi Bootis star too. Clear skies, temperature -3C, winds 360/12 knots. I took a short look this morning, no telescope views. This is my 4th observation of C/2022 E3 ZTF that began on 24-Dec-2022 with apparent magnitude near 8.59.

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