Floridian":3e4p03wt said:
MeteorWayne":3e4p03wt said:
The problem with dark matter black holes is that the only interaction of dark matter appears to be gravity. In order to create stars and other denser objects, cooling ( a non gravitational process) and electromagnetic interactions appear to be required. So dark matter black holes seem to be very unlikely.
What in the world? If it has gravity, objects will be attracted to eachother. Are you suggesting the gravitational pull by normal matter does not affect dark matter?
So dark matter pulls on normal matter, but not vise versa? Shouldn't this matter be perfectly spread out across the universe and therefor have no effect?
If dark matter did exist, and it didn't clump together on its own, since you claim dark matter couldn't attract itself to itself, normal matter would draw it into clumps.
Really, if dark matter existed, super massive black holes (made of our matter) would draw in so much dark matter so quickly, it would be scary. In fact, every star should be attracting huge amounts of dark matter to its core with its gravity. Since it is the gravity that actually draws mass into a black hole, black holes could form everywhere, once dark matter started to to clump into groups where normal matter was, like stars. These would quickly form black holes, as the gravitational pull from the dark matter would amplify the gravity of the star, causing it to compress to a singularity.
Floridian, I don't think you understand what the mechanism is we're talking about here - let me try to explain. Imagine a large cloud of dark matter particles. Each particle is point like and has mass, but no other properties, and for our purposes we'll ignore what happens when they collide - we'll assume the particles are too small compared to the volume they have to move around in for that to be significant. The cloud has a very large number of individual particles, let's say trillions or more. The cloud is gravitationally bound together, which means the particles are moving too slowly to escape the gravity of the overall cloud.
Now, let's follow one individual particle, let's say one near the edge of the cloud. It will feel the gravity of the cloud and be drawn in toward the center, but as it does so it will accelerate to faster and faster speeds, until it gets to the center, where it will be moving much faster then it was at the edge, and will keep going through the center out the other side, where it will start to be slowed down by the cloud's gravity until it gets near the far edge, where it will stop and start to fall back in toward the center, repeating the cycle indefinitely.
In order for this cloud to collapse into a denser object, there has to be some way for the particles to shed kinetic energy when they're closer to the center. With normal baryonic matter, this happens through electromagnetic radiation. The gas will be hot because of the motion of the individual particles, and will radiate energy, slowing down and making the cloud collapse.
Dark matter can't do this because it doesn't interact with electromagnetism, so it will collapse much more slowly then normal matter. The debate we were having was about just how much slower, and if the Universe is old enough yet for these kinds of clouds to have collapsed into black holes or other dense objects.
I disagree with Ramparts on this, I think that probably this should have happened within the age of the universe. But at this point we seem to be starting to repeat ourselves, so I don't think we can go any further without someone running the numbers, and my math skills are not up to the job, so I'm putting this in the agree to disagree column.
My personal and purely intuitive opinion is that 1) dark matter probably does have some sort of unknown interaction with itself that we currently don't understand, and that 2) General Relativity is an incomplete description of gravity, and that some of the effects we currently ascribe to dark matter are likely due to this. Although neither of these can currently be supported by the evidence, they're both possibilities that are being actively investigated.
One last point - as I said in another thread, it's quite certain that *some* dark matter does exist, even if new physics does come into play. We're all currently sitting on a big chunk of it called the Earth. Well, unless someone on the ISS is around.