<br />"3. Yes your mass does increase relative to your speed. why does this not sound correct to you? "<br /><br />It does increase by the amount of energy contained in it, I undestand that. I am saying that it does not increase to the extreme that scientists say it does. I think there are two forces at work one is ignorance, the mass increase is only a very tiny amount and can be discarded when asking if an object can reach C, but not if asking how much energy it takes to reach C. Because an electrical field travels at C using it in a particle accelerator is a good idea, but if you are trying to reach C or higher it is pointless. For an example lets say that a of group people only have enough energy to move their body at 5mph if extra weight is added they move slower. One person is told to push a car, then two people, then three because the car has mass and no matter how lightly devided between the people, the more people you add will only get you closer too 5 and never reach 5. So no matter how much electromagnetic energy you put into a particle accelerator, the particle will never reach C or pass it only get closer because the field only has enough energy to move istelf at C. Understand what im trying to get to now?