Careful What You Wish For/Program

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Mar 28, 2021
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Some believe (& rightfully so) the mal-programing of computers/robots will lead to mankind's demise. I can tell you from personal experience, the mal-programing of humans, can & will do the same to us.

Careful what you wish for/program-Bad info/data in, bad info/results out :O

Ancient One (if you/we want a future, it starts with children. They are the treasures ancient texts speak of/It is written)
Mar 28, 2021
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How is this relevant to Space?

Leading edge tecknowledgey is driving humans further into not only outer space, but inner space as well. Micro tecknowledgey advancements will soon demand we miniaturize everything. Children will soon see extended voyage space missions, inner & outer galaxy. If we send them out defective/unbalanced, not only will we regret it, but those who(m) come into contact with them, will think we are unbalanced/dangerous as well. They will represent us/humans, for all to see, judge & respond to accordingly.

I come in peace

Ancient One
Given the conditions and tract of our Evolution, if we are so fortunate as to make contact with an extraterrestrial sapient species, the probability, as I see it, is that they will be similar to us in psychology, rapaciousness, duplicity and proclivity for mayhem. Alternatively, we could be the more "advanced" species that confronts interesting cultures, charming ways of living, dynamic societies and of course we would demonstrate the better Angels of our Nature. ...... No bets on the later.
Mar 28, 2021
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Given the conditions and tract of our Evolution, if we are so fortunate as to make contact with an extraterrestrial sapient species, the probability, as I see it, is that they will be similar to us in psychology, rapaciousness, duplicity and proclivity for mayhem. Alternatively, we could be the more "advanced" species that confronts interesting cultures, charming ways of living, dynamic societies and of course we would demonstrate the better Angels of our Nature. ...... No bets on the later.

Many years ago, I believed life elsewhere had to be more ordered, structured & logical than what we see here on earth from day to day. I now sumize, (most) life here & elsewhere is probably somewhat like a soap opera. Ordered & structured to a degree, but the higher up on the evolutionary scale you are, the more control & sway you have on lower/less advanced life forms. We/earth may be an ant farm/zoo/collection of DNA, &/or evolutionary & experimental processes, for them & us.

There probably are federations/alliances/inner galactic organizations, just like on Star Trek. There is plenty/much life out there, & much here on earth we have yet to find or explore.

Beam me up (to earth ants, we may be the windshield, & to those from Alfa Centauri, we may be the bug, for now anyway?)

Mar 28, 2021
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"There probably are federations/alliances/inner galactic organizations, just like on Star Trek."

But Star Trek had FTL.

Cat :)

Warp speed does come in handy from time to time/dimension to dimension.

Live & let live (traversing so, how would one determine just exactly where/how to stop just where one wanted/the possibilities are endless)

Ancient One (out :) )
Mar 28, 2021
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"Live & let live (traversing so, how would one determine just exactly where/how to stop just where one wanted/the possibilities are endless)"

Maybe that is why it is impossible.

Cat :)

I promise you this, if it can be imagined, it is possible. The possibilities/dimensions are endless.

My mansion has many rooms/dimensions

Ancient One/Watcher (time is a 'concept', in & of this dimension-travel beyond it, & freedom awaits/when grasshopper leaves his physical body, he could travel forever/you must first be very, very close to death/transformation, to fully appreciate/understand it) "Those who from Heaven, to earth came." :O
Mar 28, 2021
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I promise you this, if it can be imagined, it is possible. The possibilities/dimensions are endless.

My mansion has many rooms/dimensions

Ancient One/Watcher (time is a 'concept', in & of this dimension-travel beyond it, & freedom awaits/when grasshopper leaves his physical body, he could travel forever/you must first be very, very close to death/transformation, to fully appreciate/understand it) "Those who from Heaven, to earth came." :O

"Split open a piece of wood, I am there. Lift up a rock, I am there."

The human mind can only handle/tolerate/accept a certain amount of information/data, in any given period. Too much input, too fast, & the mind overloads. Twice in my life, I have overloaded on data. The first time, my life flashed before my eyes, in about one to 1.5 seconds. The second time was two nights ago, while sleeping. I was shown (too} much information, too quickly. We crave information/knowledge like nothing else, always have, & always will. It is human nature. The patient grasshopper usually lives the healthiest & longest. Be vary careful what you wish for/dream of, you might just get it, & much more you never bargained for/imagined/thought possible.

The apple of knowledge/forbidden fruit has many consequences.
"Split open a piece of wood, I am there. Lift up a rock, I am there."

The human mind can only handle/tolerate/accept a certain amount of information/data, in any given period. Too much input, too fast, & the mind overloads. Twice in my life, I have overloaded on data. The first time, my life flashed before my eyes, in about one to 1.5 seconds. The second time was two nights ago, while sleeping. I was shown (too} much information, too quickly. We crave information/knowledge like nothing else, always have, & always will. It is human nature. The patient grasshopper usually lives the healthiest & longest. Be vary careful what you wish for/dream of, you might just get it, & much more you never bargained for/imagined/thought possible.

The apple of knowledge/forbidden fruit has many consequences.
"If you fight enough dragons, you become a dragon: If you stare into the Abyss, the Abyss will stare back into you." -- Nietzsche.
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