College students confirm long-held prediction about atmospheric gravity waves

Nov 20, 2019
the possibilities those signals were hints for gravitational waves are infinitesimal imo, since the serious doubts about ligos experiments with the supposed cosmic waves. One thing is real, instead, are the plenty of chemitrails shown in the article's photo.
This article was about waves that appear in air due to cooling from an eclipse. LIGO concerns gravity waves. The two have nothing to do with each other. The chemtrails are clouds of burned fuel. Avgas burns to water and CO2. The water condenses into clouds. When 50,000 pounds of fuel burns to 60,000 pounds of water plus CO2, where do you suppose the water is going to go? it makes clouds. This is to be expected.
The expansion and contraction of space is done by moving a large gravitational mass back and forth. Our instruments can only detect very large masses such as neutron stars, moving very quickly, as they do when merging.

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