Could stars be made of anti-matter

Feb 8, 2020
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The spectrum from stars is an absorption one and not an emission as would be expected if the sun was made of ordinary planetary matter.

Between celestial objects is a vast volume [x,y&z] of empty space but yet it is able to transmit any & all frequencies of magnetic light energy.
In order to allow a magnetic photon or magnon transmission all space needs to be magnetised. The nickname for magnetised space is aether and Electronic Engineers are well aware that radio waves here on our planet earth need to vibrate through the aether which is possible because the earth has a magnetic field. As radio waves move at the speed of light they are magnetically the same as photons and at the heart of every photon is a MAGNON. Electrical Engineers know that electricity moves at the speed of light and the magnetic energy nicknamed magnoflux can be transmitted through the magnetic core of a transformer as well as inside the spare holes of the outer electron shells of a conductor. Electricity is a low frequency magnetic photon [magnon] flow inside a conductors aether magnetised spare holes which mimics the aether found in space and can move at the speed of light. So we don’t have to go into space to study the aether; we can do it right here on earth.

See video of electromagnetic induction motor

The Norfolk island effect showed that sunspots caused radio interference here on planet earth which means the sun and earth are linked magnetically together. Above is a picture of the inner solar system with the suns overall flux marked in beige which is our stars magnetic field which permeates the complete volume of space out to the boundary with surrounding nearby stars. Note the planets individual fluxes do not cross which results in a flat spin axis thus minimising energy losses. NASA must be credited for this extraordinary video clip of a comet hitting the sun.

We should note that the comet did not just disappear and make a crater on the suns surface as classic Newton physics would predict but the comets matter charges must have been annihilated and the whole of the energy transferred to the suns magnetic corona which burst out with flare at the speed of light immediately but the momentum energy was contained inside and only later appears as a CME.
Moons are magnetically locked into their host planets magnetic field resulting in the same side of the moons always facing the planet and provides an automatic feedback to correct the moons velocity and rotational position. It should also be noted that planets like mercury with no moons has no apparent magnetic field also venus and mars have minimal magnetic fields because they have tiny moons.
Not only is the solar space magnetised but it will need to be polarised if the solar wind H+ particles are to be attracted away from the stars surface towards negative matter.

From the above diagram we can envisage there being an electric field between a positively charged sun and negatively charged planetary matter in the z direction. Knowing that we are magnetically linked at right angles in the y direction i.e. from our north pole to the sun south pole and back under to our south pole results in a magnoflux spin effect and causes an induced current to flow in the dawn to dusk x direction across the planet. [see video] “”
Could stars be made of antimatter? Well, yes, maybe.
Antimatter can form atoms of hydrogen. For atoms heavier than simple hydrogen however, it isn't that simple. Heavier atoms are made of protons and neutrons plus electrons, or their antimatter equivalents.
From best evidence to date, neutrons decay into protons and electrons. Plus, the neutron is it's own antiparticle. So, antimatter fusing anti-hydrogen together will make anti-deuterium or some heavier atom, up to Helium, but when those neutrons decay, and some other anti-proton converts into a neutron, then the nucleus will have a bound proton and anti-proton bound together. Boom!
A similar fate awaits the new electron-positron pair as well.
For this reason I would expect antimatter stars to burn quite hot. No such stars are seen.

In the early universe, there were equal amounts of matter and antimatter created. They self destructed. Matter however is created in both positive, negative as well as neutral states. The positive matter universally decays down to protons/positrons. The negative matter decays down to electrons/Anntiprotons. The pairs then cancel out, releasing powerful photons. The neutral pairs produced however don't cancel out. No, these pairs decay into eventual proton-electron pairs (hydrogen atoms). This decay into these unequal pairs is the reason we have matter. So far as I know, nobody knows quite why. It's against the Standard Model as generally interpreted. It's the reason for the long search for "Symmetry Breaking". None of the current proposed alternatives to the Standard Model gives a satisfying explanation either.

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