How a UFO flies and powered using anti-gravity.
Anti-gravity is obtained by the power of a Cyclotron Particle Accelerator, located in the center of the craft. The power in the cyclone particle accelerator is created by firing additional protons at element 115 causing it to momentarily change to element 116 which immediately breaks down generating the required amount of power to power the craft.
The stabilized element 115 (the fuel for the Cyclotron Particle Accelerator and produces it's own gravitational energy) and is manufactured into flat discs that are stacked on top of each other and fused to form a cylinder shape. The cylinder shape is then put on a lathe or similar to make a three dimensional cone shape. The cone shape is then sliced at unusual angles yet retaining the cone shape. When this is complete the stabilized element 115 weighs 223 grams and will power the craft for 20-30 years.
The stabilized element 115 code name was LA1000 and is a similar color to copper.
Stabilized element 115 doesn’t occur naturally on Earth and has a half life of roughly about half a second. To solve this problem just keep adding or subtracting neutrons until it becomes stable. You’ll need 223 grams of stabilized element 115.
The Cyclotron Particle Accelerator then feeds a small reactor that amplifies the gravity (the gravity amplifiers, which are also located in the center of the craft), directs it through the wave guides and archways of the craft into the 3 x gravity emitters.
The small reactor is located in the center of the craft. The 3 x gravity amplifiers are located equally spaced around the small reactor. And each of the 3 x gravity emitters are located directly below each of the gravity amplifiers.
The gravity amplifiers feed the 3 x gravity emitters which produce the anti-gravity wave. The gravity admitters are located at the bottom of the craft.
In low power mode omicron configuration, the gravity emitters can be directed pretty much in any direction up to 180°, and swivel in a 360° rotation. Two of the gravity emitters point the anti-gravity wave downwards allowing the craft to hover, while the third gravity emitter swings upwards 180° and creates a distortion in front of the craft allowing the craft to slide forward.
The delta configuration uses all three gravity emitters facing the same direction. The three amplifiers focus in on the destination and that's how it proceeds. (The bottom of the craft facing the direction of travel).
Located at the top of the craft is a plane sensor array, which takes in information from the surrounding area, for example patterns of stars etc. For navigational purposes.
The center antenna is an extension of the reactor that runs from the small reactor in the center of the craft up to the top of the craft in the middle of the plane sensor array, and this center antenna is a wave guide, which allows the emission of the gravity wave which forms a heart shape over the whole craft, that's how it creates its distortion.