Curiosity rover discovers new evidence Mars once had 'right conditions' for life

"Our research indicates that Mars could have had far more rivers than previously believed, which certainly paints a more optimistic view of ancient life on Mars," said Cardenas. "It offers a vision of Mars where most of the planet once had the right condition for life."

Okay, the theme of life on Mars is repeated again and again to the public. At some point, life on Mars must be confirmed or acknowledge that abiogenesis never took place on Mars and life was never there.

If the Perseverance rover found evidence of life on Mars, would we recognize it?,
Nov 16, 2020
The rovers were not sent to find out if conditions for life were there billions of years ago. They were sent to study the rocks to search for life or some actual evidence it was there. So far nothing has been found and only two samples have actually been taken and x-rayed. by Curiosity. None from Percy. Much of the important mineralogy has been studies from space, not confirmed on the ground, Sending selected samples back years from now is wasteful, lacking some evidence that even one might have a chance.
Nov 16, 2020
"Our research indicates that Mars could have had far more rivers than previously believed, which certainly paints a more optimistic view of ancient life on Mars," said Cardenas. "It offers a vision of Mars where most of the planet once had the right condition for life."

Okay, the theme of life on Mars is repeated again and again to the public. At some point, life on Mars must be confirmed or acknowledge that abiogenesis never took place on Mars and life was never there.

If the Perseverance rover found evidence of life on Mars, would we recognize it?,
Percy doesn't have the ability to recognize and confirm the presence of fossilized organic cellular remains, carbon that would help prove there was life on Mars billions of years ago . Everything else is a proxy.

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