Dark energy: Map gives clue about what it is — but deepens dispute about the cosmic expansion rate

Aug 16, 2020
As some have probably read about our universe being basically a virtual reality, that it exists on some really advanced type of computer like system somewhere. I propose an answer to the Dark Matter/Dark Energy question as to what it is. Einstein defines it as a constant. Well that is the best working explanation we have so far. Seeing Dark Energy or Dark Matter cannot be seen or measured it only makes sense to me that it is not a constant but an algorithm in our universe's code. This would make perfect sense if in fact our universe was basically a very advanced virtual reality simulation that we are experiencing. I know it is a bit far fetched but it is none the less possible. Of course we don't know who or what is running this simulation or even why. This is just a proposed theory I have. I don't have a physics degree or anything related but I do educate myself in science as much as I can because I have an inherent yearning to know how everything works.
Aug 17, 2020
I don't have a physics degree or anything related but I do educate myself in science as much as I can because I have an inherent yearning to know how everything works.

If you really want to understand how the universe works I would suggest you visit this link
It is a completely new view of the whole physics, among other things, the problem of dark energy is explained.
The theory is new and is developing intensively
Jan 2, 2020
The argument that general space time is flat argues strongly for theories where there is a flat FTL frame and an FTL simultaneity.
This argues against the relativity of simultaneity the current 'favoured' theory.. That takes physics back to the older pre-relativity theory (an FTL simultaneity) but it then requires a substantial rewrite to fit with modern physics.
The mathematics behind it all then requires an even more substantial rewrite. FTL models require a maths that can describe infinite and imaginary numbers and deal with discontinuous curves.

The model even has a partial explanation for dark matter as mass with negative energy.

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