Decade-long Dark Energy Survey offers new insights into the expansion of the universe

Feb 8, 2020
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No dark matter or dark energy has been found in space as dark massless forces are needed to balance the WMAP results
1 The dark force of mass attraction G is the weakest in deep space volume x,y,z.
2 Electromagnetic dark matter magnoflux spin x,y inertia force of about 6.28G rotates galactic stars around a magnetic black hole hub
3. Electro-static repel about 25G dark energy force in z direction is responsible for expanding the universe as stars are huge + charges.
Their data prefer the flat LCDM model in comparison with a modified wLCDM physics. Using a Hubble rate/time parametrization conceal that the dataset intrinsic ("best fit") Hubble rate appears far too large to be realistic. Or conversely as they themselves note their age of the universe is far too small for the oldest globular clusters we see.

However, assuming a Planck flat LCDM and extracting their Hubble rate from that (from their footnote 8 data) it comes in halfway between the Planck rate and earlier supernova rates. That is encouraging.
Feb 8, 2020
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Your problem is that physicists cannot measure massless forces but you must accept that they exist and them look at the affect they have.

What you can do is fire a rocket with a 1,000 kg of electron enclosed matter at the sun and see what happens when it enters the stars atmosphere whether it is annihilated by the stars anti-matter as predicted by magnoflux electric balance universe theory or explodes at mc^2 which is what physicists expect!

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