Nov 4, 2024
I was thinking of warp speed hypothesis and how the theoretical warp of space time can happen. I was thinking if we were to stop moving how fast would the entire universe move by us?

When I had the theory vibrating particles move but return to their original position. My fun sci fi theory is if warping through space is possible then big enough vibration may create dejavu. In theory it would be the center bh or bh even bigger than ours holding ours in place. A giant vibration would facilitate movement of our star and planet but they would return back to an original spot.
Jan 2, 2024
I was thinking of warp speed hypothesis and how the theoretical warp of space time can happen. I was thinking if we were to stop moving how fast would the entire universe move by us?

When I had the theory vibrating particles move but return to their original position. My fun sci fi theory is if warping through space is possible then big enough vibration may create dejavu. In theory it would be the center bh or bh even bigger than ours holding ours in place. A giant vibration would facilitate movement of our star and planet but they would return back to an original spot.
I understand that many of my posts might come across as controversial, and sometimes they might even be outright dismissed. However, I do make an effort to verify their credibility. I test them with AI and consult with credible people, ensuring they are logical and somewhat align with common knowledge, even if they are a bit offbeat. This is out of respect for those who might want to discuss these topics here.

My efforts might seem insignificant to some, and perhaps even be labeled as 'nonsense.' That being said, I no longer indulge in Dan Dare comics, and I try to tackle questions that make sense. If they did make sense, would I be able to understand the response? Maybe it would be more entertaining to use your method of picking random words, jumbling them, and seeing if they form a sentence.

Like you, I was once captivated by science (and fiction), but there came a time when I had to take myself more seriously and pursue real study and investigation. I recommend this approach. However, I must say that this forum has allowed me to vent my frustration with ongoing dogma, and I support its continued tolerance.

PS To answer your point re a giant vibration. Yes they would, more or less. It happens. Look up Gravity Waves
Last edited:
Nov 20, 2024
I was thinking of warp speed hypothesis and how the theoretical warp of space time can happen. I was thinking if we were to stop moving how fast would the entire universe move by us?
"How can something that doesn't exist in nature be curved? Is it possible to curve units of measurement, such as the meter, kilogram, or second?"
Aug 1, 2023
I was thinking of warp speed hypothesis and how the theoretical warp of space time can happen. I was thinking if we were to stop moving how fast would the entire universe move by us?

When I had the theory vibrating particles move but return to their original position. My fun sci fi theory is if warping through space is possible then big enough vibration may create dejavu. In theory it would be the center bh or bh even bigger than ours holding ours in place. A giant vibration would facilitate movement of our star and planet but they would return back to an original spot.
Déjà vu is a byproduct of how our brain stores and retrieves data, and how it links one info to another info.
It has no clinical signification.

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