Deriving gravity without the use of newton's Gravitational constant:
Imagine being able to derive gravity without using Newton's gravitational constant or Einstein's 'kappa' which is a constant that relates space-time to energy and momentum? Sounds impossible? Augmented Newtonian Dynamics theory, makes it possible!
According to the "Augmented Newtonian Dynamics" theory of gravity. The electron as it orbits, (yes as a particle, not as a wave-particle) the nucleus, is constantly emitting and immediately re-absorbing 'virtual' photons. What are these virtual photons? These virtual particles, are similar in structure to real photons emitted by the electron but of such short duration <10^-16 s , that every time an electron emits a virtual particle particle it results in the 'virtual photons' of the virtual photon aether (dark matter?) immediately forming into a line of aligned photons along the direction of propagation of the emitted 'virtual photon'. However, in the case of the emission of a virtual particle, no energy flows along the line of aligned virtual photons or line of force. Instead, it results, as has been said, into the forming of a transient line of force in the direction of propagation of the emitted virtual particle. Such a line of force transfers no energy, it merely results in a tensioning of the virtual photon field (dark matter?) for a very short time 10^-15 s. If the line of force falls on another object, then the line of force represents the shortest distance between the two objects. As a corollary to this; the object on which the transient line of force falls, immediately releases a reciprocal transient line of force that falls on the original object. So that the two are infinitesimally drawn together. That is why it could be said that gravity is always attractive. The transient nature of the line of force is also the reason that gravity is the weakest force in nature, being 10^40 times weaker than the electromagnetic force. Every electron in every atom forms transient lines of force. Therefore, although gravity is a very weak force it is also a relentless, high density force which though weak has an irresistible cumulative effect that can stretch for immeasurable distances. Gravity is a one off effect, meaning that unlike in the production of light where trillions of identical photons are emitted every second all travelling in the same direction forming rays of light and explaining the rectilinear nature of light, the virtual photons giving rise to gravity is anisometric, meaning that the only sure thing is that a virtual photon is emitted and absorbed in every orbit, but as to which position it is emitted at or the direction in which it is emitted is unpredictable and random. This is the basis of gravity according to AND theory.
Next worked examples are provided wherein gravity is derived without using Newton's Universal gravitation constant and the two results are compared. AND theory successfully predicts the same value of g as Newtonian gravity, but now with a physical mechanism rather than an abstract force.
Worked example with various elements using both Newtonian Gravitational constant and AND theory line of force:
To begin with the g of several elements will be addressed:
Using AND theory of atomic structure and lines of force to calculate the g exerted by one cubic centimetre of Iron:
Number of electrons in iron = 26
Number of atoms in 1cm3 iron = (7.34 x 10^22)
Total Number of electron in 1cm3 iron = (7.34 x 10^22) x (26) = 1.90 x 10*24
Energy in line of force = 2.7 x 10^-37 J
Using AND theory line of force to determine g of one cubic centimetre of iron:
g = (iron x line of force) = (1.90 x 10*24) x (2.76 x 10^-37) = 5.25 x 10^-13 N
Using Newtonian Gravitational constant:
Density of Iron = 7.87 gm/cm3
Gravitational constant = G is 6.6743×10^−11 m3 kg−1 s^−2
The Newtonian solution using g = GM/r^2
g = (7.87 x 10&-3) x (6.674 x 10^-11) = 5.252 x 10^-13 N
It is therefore demonstrated that the two methods obtain a similar result and that g according to AND lines of force, is close to Newtonian gravity.
Next calculate the g force of gold using both AND line of force and Newtonian Gravitational constant:
Step-by-Step Calculation for g of Gold (1 cm^3)
1. Determine the number of moles in 1 cm^3 of gold
Density of gold: 19.32 g/cm*3
Molar mass of gold (Au): 196.97 g/mol
Moles of gold in 1 cm3: moles=mass/molar mass=19.32 g/196.97 g/mol = 0.0981 moles
2. Calculate the number of atoms in 1 cm³
Avogadro’s number: 6.022×10^23 atoms/mol
Total number of gold atoms in one cubic centimeter: ms = 0.0981×6.022×10^23 =5.91×10*22 atoms
Determine the total number of electrons in 1 cm³
Gold has 79 electrons per atom
Total number of electrons in cm3: = (5.91×10*22) × 79 = 4.69×10^24 electrons
4. Compute the total energy from virtual photon interactions
Assume each virtual photon line of force contributes (2.76 x 10^ -37) J
Total energy contribution using AND line of force:
g of one cubic centimetre of gold using AND line of force: ( 4.69×10^24)×(2.76 x 10^-37) = 1.28 x 10 ^-12 N
The g force of One cubic centimetre of gold using the virtual photon model
= 1.28 x 10^-12 N
Gravitational force of one cubic centimetre of gold using Newton's gravitational constant:
g = GM/r^2
The g force of one cubic centimetre of gold using gravitational constant:
g of gold = (6.674 10^-11) x (19.32 x 10^-3) x (1) = 1.289 x 10^-12 N
The result is very close two forces are almost identical. Both methods show a result of approx:
g =1.28 x 10^-12 N
(The results using AND virtual photon theory and the Newtonian gravitational constant are identical at 1.28 x 10^-12 N)
The results for carbon using AND theory lines of force and Newtonian gravity respectively:
g for one cubic centimetre of carbon using AND theory lines of force
Number of atoms in 1 cc of carbon = 9.07 x 10^22 atoms/cm^3
Number of electrons in carbon atom = 6
Number of electrons in 1 cc of carbon = (9.07 x 10^22) x (6) = (5.49 x 10^23)
Result of g exerted by cubic centimetre of carbon g using AND lines of force
g = (5.49 x 10^23) x (2.76 x 10^-37) = 1.52 x 10^-13 N
Result for g using Newtonian gravitational constant
Density of carbon = 2.267 cm^3
g = GM/r^2
Result of g force exerted by one cubic centimetre of Carbon using gravitational constant:
g = (6.67 x 10^-11) x (2.67 x 10^-37) = 1.52 x 10^-13 N
The agreement of the two results is again very close.
Having completed a few examples it is now possible to consider larger objects like planets. While dealing with large objects like planets AND theory first calculates the volume of the object in cubic centimetres, it then determines the density per cubic centimetre of the object, finally the periodic table is looked up to get a match for the density. The g of the element is then calculated using the above methods and multiplied by the number of cubic centimetres by volume in the object. This gives the g force of the planet. To determine the acceleration due to gravity of the object. The g is divided by the radius squared (in metres) of the object. Taking the moon as the first example:
Calculating g of moon according to AND theory:
Calculating g of moon using AND theory line of force:
Volume of the moon = 2.1 x 10^25 cubic centimeters
Density of 1 cubic centimetre of the moon = 3.34 gm per cubic centimeter.
Substance possessing similar density = Calcium Oxide (CaO)
CaO = (3.27 x 10^22) atoms /cm^3
CaO possesses 26 electrons per atom
CaO possesses (3.27 x 10^22) x 26 = 8.50 x 10^23 electrons/ cm^3
Line of force = 2.76 x 10^-37 J
Therefore g calculated using AND theory = (8.50 x 10^23) x (2.76 x 10^-37) = 2.34 x 10^-13 N/cm^3
Total g of the moon according to AND theory = (2.34 x 10^-13) x (2.1 x 10^25) = 4.9 x 10^12 N
Calculating g of moon according to Newton:
Mass of the moon = 7.34767309 × 10^22 kg
Therefore g using Newton's Gravitational constant = (7.34767309 × 10^22) x (6.67 x 10^-11) = 4.90 x 10^12 N
Using AND theory line of force acceleration due to moon: (4.9 x 10^12) / (1743000)2 = 1.61 m/s^2
Using Newton's gravitational constant acceleration due to moon
= (4.90 x 10^12)/(1743000)2 = 1.61 m/s^2
It is clearly demonstrated that using the AND theory line of force gives similar results to using the Universal gravitational constant.
This derivation of gravity from atomic structure, independent of the universal gravitational constant, represents a fundamental shift in understanding gravitational interactions. Rather than treating gravity as a fundamental force requiring an externally imposed constant, this approach suggests that gravity is an emergent property that emerges naturally from the intrinsic behaviour of matter at the atomic level. By linking gravitational effects to the self-regulation of electron energy through virtual photon interactions, this perspective offers a unified framework that connects microscopic quantum processes with macroscopic gravitational phenomena. This not only provides a new foundation for gravity but also reinterprets the relationship between matter, energy, and the structure of space itself.”
The remarkable consistency between the gravitational acceleration values obtained using both the Atomic Number Density (AND theory) approach and Newton’s gravitational constant (G) suggests a deeper structural relationship between atomic properties and gravitational interactions. This near parity in results challenges the traditional separation of atomic-scale and macroscopic gravitational calculations, opening the door to a more integrated approach in physics. A key takeaway from this study is the necessity of bringing atomic structure tables—often treated as auxiliary references—into the mainstream of gravitational research. Currently, standard gravitational models rely on bulk properties of matter, often overlooking the precision that atomic-level data can provide. By incorporating detailed atomic structure parameters into gravitational calculations, we refine our understanding of mass distributions and enhance the accuracy of predictive models.
This achievement not only provides an alternative to general relativity but also reshapes our understanding of dark matter, space, and the very fabric of reality. It is a major step toward a more coherent and physically intuitive theory of the universe.
Imagine being able to derive gravity without using Newton's gravitational constant or Einstein's 'kappa' which is a constant that relates space-time to energy and momentum? Sounds impossible? Augmented Newtonian Dynamics theory, makes it possible!
According to the "Augmented Newtonian Dynamics" theory of gravity. The electron as it orbits, (yes as a particle, not as a wave-particle) the nucleus, is constantly emitting and immediately re-absorbing 'virtual' photons. What are these virtual photons? These virtual particles, are similar in structure to real photons emitted by the electron but of such short duration <10^-16 s , that every time an electron emits a virtual particle particle it results in the 'virtual photons' of the virtual photon aether (dark matter?) immediately forming into a line of aligned photons along the direction of propagation of the emitted 'virtual photon'. However, in the case of the emission of a virtual particle, no energy flows along the line of aligned virtual photons or line of force. Instead, it results, as has been said, into the forming of a transient line of force in the direction of propagation of the emitted virtual particle. Such a line of force transfers no energy, it merely results in a tensioning of the virtual photon field (dark matter?) for a very short time 10^-15 s. If the line of force falls on another object, then the line of force represents the shortest distance between the two objects. As a corollary to this; the object on which the transient line of force falls, immediately releases a reciprocal transient line of force that falls on the original object. So that the two are infinitesimally drawn together. That is why it could be said that gravity is always attractive. The transient nature of the line of force is also the reason that gravity is the weakest force in nature, being 10^40 times weaker than the electromagnetic force. Every electron in every atom forms transient lines of force. Therefore, although gravity is a very weak force it is also a relentless, high density force which though weak has an irresistible cumulative effect that can stretch for immeasurable distances. Gravity is a one off effect, meaning that unlike in the production of light where trillions of identical photons are emitted every second all travelling in the same direction forming rays of light and explaining the rectilinear nature of light, the virtual photons giving rise to gravity is anisometric, meaning that the only sure thing is that a virtual photon is emitted and absorbed in every orbit, but as to which position it is emitted at or the direction in which it is emitted is unpredictable and random. This is the basis of gravity according to AND theory.
Next worked examples are provided wherein gravity is derived without using Newton's Universal gravitation constant and the two results are compared. AND theory successfully predicts the same value of g as Newtonian gravity, but now with a physical mechanism rather than an abstract force.
Worked example with various elements using both Newtonian Gravitational constant and AND theory line of force:
To begin with the g of several elements will be addressed:
Using AND theory of atomic structure and lines of force to calculate the g exerted by one cubic centimetre of Iron:
Number of electrons in iron = 26
Number of atoms in 1cm3 iron = (7.34 x 10^22)
Total Number of electron in 1cm3 iron = (7.34 x 10^22) x (26) = 1.90 x 10*24
Energy in line of force = 2.7 x 10^-37 J
Using AND theory line of force to determine g of one cubic centimetre of iron:
g = (iron x line of force) = (1.90 x 10*24) x (2.76 x 10^-37) = 5.25 x 10^-13 N
Using Newtonian Gravitational constant:
Density of Iron = 7.87 gm/cm3
Gravitational constant = G is 6.6743×10^−11 m3 kg−1 s^−2
The Newtonian solution using g = GM/r^2
g = (7.87 x 10&-3) x (6.674 x 10^-11) = 5.252 x 10^-13 N
It is therefore demonstrated that the two methods obtain a similar result and that g according to AND lines of force, is close to Newtonian gravity.
Next calculate the g force of gold using both AND line of force and Newtonian Gravitational constant:
Step-by-Step Calculation for g of Gold (1 cm^3)
1. Determine the number of moles in 1 cm^3 of gold
Density of gold: 19.32 g/cm*3
Molar mass of gold (Au): 196.97 g/mol
Moles of gold in 1 cm3: moles=mass/molar mass=19.32 g/196.97 g/mol = 0.0981 moles
2. Calculate the number of atoms in 1 cm³
Avogadro’s number: 6.022×10^23 atoms/mol
Total number of gold atoms in one cubic centimeter: ms = 0.0981×6.022×10^23 =5.91×10*22 atoms
Determine the total number of electrons in 1 cm³
Gold has 79 electrons per atom
Total number of electrons in cm3: = (5.91×10*22) × 79 = 4.69×10^24 electrons
4. Compute the total energy from virtual photon interactions
Assume each virtual photon line of force contributes (2.76 x 10^ -37) J
Total energy contribution using AND line of force:
g of one cubic centimetre of gold using AND line of force: ( 4.69×10^24)×(2.76 x 10^-37) = 1.28 x 10 ^-12 N
The g force of One cubic centimetre of gold using the virtual photon model
= 1.28 x 10^-12 N
Gravitational force of one cubic centimetre of gold using Newton's gravitational constant:
g = GM/r^2
The g force of one cubic centimetre of gold using gravitational constant:
g of gold = (6.674 10^-11) x (19.32 x 10^-3) x (1) = 1.289 x 10^-12 N
The result is very close two forces are almost identical. Both methods show a result of approx:
g =1.28 x 10^-12 N
(The results using AND virtual photon theory and the Newtonian gravitational constant are identical at 1.28 x 10^-12 N)
The results for carbon using AND theory lines of force and Newtonian gravity respectively:
g for one cubic centimetre of carbon using AND theory lines of force
Number of atoms in 1 cc of carbon = 9.07 x 10^22 atoms/cm^3
Number of electrons in carbon atom = 6
Number of electrons in 1 cc of carbon = (9.07 x 10^22) x (6) = (5.49 x 10^23)
Result of g exerted by cubic centimetre of carbon g using AND lines of force
g = (5.49 x 10^23) x (2.76 x 10^-37) = 1.52 x 10^-13 N
Result for g using Newtonian gravitational constant
Density of carbon = 2.267 cm^3
g = GM/r^2
Result of g force exerted by one cubic centimetre of Carbon using gravitational constant:
g = (6.67 x 10^-11) x (2.67 x 10^-37) = 1.52 x 10^-13 N
The agreement of the two results is again very close.
Having completed a few examples it is now possible to consider larger objects like planets. While dealing with large objects like planets AND theory first calculates the volume of the object in cubic centimetres, it then determines the density per cubic centimetre of the object, finally the periodic table is looked up to get a match for the density. The g of the element is then calculated using the above methods and multiplied by the number of cubic centimetres by volume in the object. This gives the g force of the planet. To determine the acceleration due to gravity of the object. The g is divided by the radius squared (in metres) of the object. Taking the moon as the first example:
Calculating g of moon according to AND theory:
Calculating g of moon using AND theory line of force:
Volume of the moon = 2.1 x 10^25 cubic centimeters
Density of 1 cubic centimetre of the moon = 3.34 gm per cubic centimeter.
Substance possessing similar density = Calcium Oxide (CaO)
CaO = (3.27 x 10^22) atoms /cm^3
CaO possesses 26 electrons per atom
CaO possesses (3.27 x 10^22) x 26 = 8.50 x 10^23 electrons/ cm^3
Line of force = 2.76 x 10^-37 J
Therefore g calculated using AND theory = (8.50 x 10^23) x (2.76 x 10^-37) = 2.34 x 10^-13 N/cm^3
Total g of the moon according to AND theory = (2.34 x 10^-13) x (2.1 x 10^25) = 4.9 x 10^12 N
Calculating g of moon according to Newton:
Mass of the moon = 7.34767309 × 10^22 kg
Therefore g using Newton's Gravitational constant = (7.34767309 × 10^22) x (6.67 x 10^-11) = 4.90 x 10^12 N
Using AND theory line of force acceleration due to moon: (4.9 x 10^12) / (1743000)2 = 1.61 m/s^2
Using Newton's gravitational constant acceleration due to moon
= (4.90 x 10^12)/(1743000)2 = 1.61 m/s^2
It is clearly demonstrated that using the AND theory line of force gives similar results to using the Universal gravitational constant.
This derivation of gravity from atomic structure, independent of the universal gravitational constant, represents a fundamental shift in understanding gravitational interactions. Rather than treating gravity as a fundamental force requiring an externally imposed constant, this approach suggests that gravity is an emergent property that emerges naturally from the intrinsic behaviour of matter at the atomic level. By linking gravitational effects to the self-regulation of electron energy through virtual photon interactions, this perspective offers a unified framework that connects microscopic quantum processes with macroscopic gravitational phenomena. This not only provides a new foundation for gravity but also reinterprets the relationship between matter, energy, and the structure of space itself.”
The remarkable consistency between the gravitational acceleration values obtained using both the Atomic Number Density (AND theory) approach and Newton’s gravitational constant (G) suggests a deeper structural relationship between atomic properties and gravitational interactions. This near parity in results challenges the traditional separation of atomic-scale and macroscopic gravitational calculations, opening the door to a more integrated approach in physics. A key takeaway from this study is the necessity of bringing atomic structure tables—often treated as auxiliary references—into the mainstream of gravitational research. Currently, standard gravitational models rely on bulk properties of matter, often overlooking the precision that atomic-level data can provide. By incorporating detailed atomic structure parameters into gravitational calculations, we refine our understanding of mass distributions and enhance the accuracy of predictive models.
This achievement not only provides an alternative to general relativity but also reshapes our understanding of dark matter, space, and the very fabric of reality. It is a major step toward a more coherent and physically intuitive theory of the universe.
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