Did a migrating Jupiter turn Venus into hell?

The space.com report and the arxiv paper at https://arxiv.org/abs/2008.04927, offers much to chew on here :) Jupiter moving all around, some models less migration, others more and some models require hundreds of millions of years for Jupiter migration changes. Venus with an initial fast rotation period perhaps compared to its present very slow, retrograde rate. Venus with plenty of oceans on it at the start using tidal forces to slow and change its orbit, rotation. Venus today orbital eccentricity near 0.006 and in the model, perhaps moving around near 0.31 and becoming more circular as Venus evolves from near earth-like to the planet we see today.

Verifying all the dynamic changes reported in this model I think will take sometime, so if folks read the report and arxiv paper, enjoy chewing on the data here :) Perhaps the report should be Venus moving all around too :)
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Mar 5, 2020

When you get caught lying about something in science you explain around the contradictions using the “Voice of Authority” and the funding of your Master. You also slaughter a lot of unicorns and take teddy bears hostage.

This story is a unicorn sandwich.

This propaganda piece reminds me of the Palaeocene Eocene Thermal Maximum. The PETM was created by Houston Oil’s Ocean Drilling program. The PETM’s evidence is based upon redating the K/T boundary impact(s) layer by 10 million years. The K/T boundary is the most distinctive geological marker in ocean sediments for the last 100 million years.

The PETM is not found on land so the IODP exclusive access allowed Houston to make up the geology that they found since no one (until recently) had the technical means to expose their fiction. Why isn’t the Japanese Drilling ship Chikyu checking up on Houston’s fictional geology? Pick a drilling site and see if the TAMU published data matches up with what the Japanese actually find?

This Venus story is climate change propaganda just like the PETM. Do human activities affect the climate? Yes, they do. Are humans the primary drivers of climate change?

You might want to wait a bit on that since we have less than 200 years of crude solar energy output measurements. Ice ages end, and then the carbon dioxide rises so the cycles don’t match up very well.

Do we have to stop global warming by lowering carbon dioxide? What about shutting down the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) and letting England and Northern Europe go straight…. into a new ice age?
Mar 5, 2020
What if Jupiter moves around regularly? I am not selling you a bog, it is a great vacation spot.

The GR model explaining the present conditions in the inner solar system appears to have crashed and burned so they have Jupiter moving around because? It is a very nice bog.

Venus is a planet that has been recently (geologically) destroyed by an impact with another body.

The present conditions found in Venus’ atmosphere are not the result of global warming. What kind of atmosphere would you expect to find on a planet that was heated to the point of total liquification by an impact?

If Venus were still pristine, unchanged from its original formation from the Solar System accretionary disk (and there was no impact) how come Venus is rotating in the opposite direction now?

Venus would have been left spinning in the correct direction after accreting in the disk.

So how does Jupiter moving around explain the current conditions of Venus? I like mustard on my unicorn sandwich.
Venus with an initial fast rotation period perhaps compared to its present very slow, retrograde rate. Venus with plenty of oceans on it at the start using tidal forces to slow and change its orbit, rotation. Venus today orbital eccentricity near 0.006 and in the model, perhaps moving around near 0.31 and becoming more circular as Venus evolves from near earth-like to the planet we see today.
That makes sense, though land also contributes to tidal stress and Venus may have been more fluid-like (non-seas) back then, perhaps.

It would explain why it has such little rotation since tidal action often causes tidal lock. Tidal lock, however, only stops rotation so that it rotates with one face always toward the host, so how would Venus keep going and develop a slight retrograde rotation? Is that explained?

In the early solar system for a protosun, the plowing action of the protoplanets through the disk would cause them to all migrate inward. The constant influx of planetismals from outside the orbits would produce, over millions of years perhaps, that outward movement even for Jupiter. Once the motions, in or out, get into resonance with others, migrations suddenly diminish. Saturn was the stop, apparently, for Jupiter's outward migration.

There is yet to be a model that explains all the orbits observed today, but these models have come a long way.
Also, from the info in the article, I'd like to learn more about how an elliptical orbit causes more heating than cooling compared to a circular orbit. The majority of any eccentric orbit will be spent getting colder, so it's a bit ironic that the shorter time under hotter conditions wins the heating/cooling battle. I get the inverse square law for radiation means incremental closer distances will have a higher increase than moving outward, but time of exposure is important, too. Does heating always win regardless of eccentricity, or is there a sweet, or "hot spot", for an e value?
Mar 5, 2020
Velikovsky says "Hello."
Did the Oil Companies reveal the existence of the Chicxulub impact crater before or after Velikovsky?

How is the interstellar asteroid impact coverup going? The damage done by Chicxulub was insignificant.

How many people can identify an impact mechanism that is energetic enough to melt Venus while not splattering it all over the solar system (excluding Mercury da Venus).
Dec 21, 2019
The space.com report and the arxiv paper at https://arxiv.org/abs/2008.04927, offers much to chew on here :) Jupiter moving all around, some models less migration, others more and some models require hundreds of millions of years for Jupiter migration changes. Venus with an initial fast rotation period perhaps compared to its present very slow, retrograde rate. Venus with plenty of oceans on it at the start using tidal forces to slow and change its orbit, rotation. Venus today orbital eccentricity near 0.006 and in the model, perhaps moving around near 0.31 and becoming more circular as Venus evolves from near earth-like to the planet we see today.

Verifying all the dynamic changes reported in this model I think will take sometime, so if folks read the report and arxiv paper, enjoy chewing on the data here :) Perhaps the report should be Venus moving all around too :)

It is clear that "suspecting" something happened, for which there is no evidence, but would explain, if it might have happened that way, how something we believe to have been the case, could have explained something we have no way of knowing or testing.............. This supposition and make believe "science" is utter nonsense.

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