Did dark energy cause the Big Bang?

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Oh i agree no guarantee my idea will be right.
Just an idea :)

A void in the beginning needs no reason, just was nothing but empty space.
That i think is the answer to everything.
A property of nothing that has potential energy in just occupying space.
That potential energy number can be tiny and still create everything because nothing took up everywhere forever.

An interesting read is creating nothing, science team did and got some pretty odd results of nothings properties and fluctuation persistence in trying to consume nothing asap.
Or just maybe they got the idea wrong and nothings PE produced fluctuation :)

Gravity thinking pretty easy to see is wrong with infinite energy and mass that don't show anywhere in the universe.
If it was a real property of a black holes gravity then infinite would consume everything instantly.
I'm writing so it must be wrong.
If that is wrong them a singularity is also wrong for the same reason.

Proof of the idea of a very simple reason for everything and simple reasons for actions in a universe.
Would have to bend a lot of fixed minds for that.

Math for it is Void=Potential (E )=Fluctuation(PE)
Everything else in the universe just dependent or product of fluctuations property.
Light speed,gravity,duality,space,time all break down to simple math of fluctuations property of nothingness and somethingness.
Matter just the unbalance (pe) of fluctuation when it all started as nothing.
And all self regulated laws.

IE.. (C speed)=max wave point of fluctuation.
Duality of (L) one traveling at wave point the other in the void between the wave points of fluctuation.

Fun to think how simple it could all be :)

So far the "nothing" that people have looked at is a type of "prespace", which is not "nothing".

Just because you say something it doesn't need to be wrong, but you are mostly stringing concepts together that doesn't need to mean anything at all. Such as your attempt to use math, with no definition in measurable quantities and so no means to use it to quantify physics.

I'll stop here.
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So far the "nothing" that people have looked at is a type of "prespace", which is not "nothing".

Just because you say something it doesn't need to be wrong, but you are mostly stringing concepts together that doesn't need to mean anything at all. Such as your attempt to use math, with no definition in measurable quantities and so no means to use it to quantify physics.

I'll stop here.
Like i said it's all about bending minds not concepts.
No proof that the big bang is the universe either.
To create anything in the universe we need a reason, no better reason than (void) has potential energy.
Simple and clean line to everything.

Traditional physics is a sea of math and nature is not.
You decide what you think is correct.

Just because a path is a path doesn't make it the right path.
May 17, 2020
I posit: #darkenergy & #DarkMatter are #BlackHole mass & #Gravitionalwave energy, they are not some unknown science or caused by esoteric particles. Cosmologists can extrapolate the number of #blackholes required to balance total universe matter and energy, giving us back the missing 95%.. Occam's razor applies. Quixotic searchers may be dismayed by my prosaic explanation.


"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
Rod posted in #2:
"After inflation is indicated but we have the Planck time, Planck length, and evolution of the universe that followed and one second after the BB event, the matter vs. anti-matter destruction of everything too." My emphasis.

Rod, do you consider it even justifiable to use the unit second which was only invented billions of years after BB by some insignificant 'living' species? I do accept that there is not much alternative, but does that not just prove that we are blowing in the wind?


"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
I am beginning to have difficulties in distinguishing between cosmology and (putting it politely) blowing in the wind. How does one distinguish between terminology and extravagant imagination?


"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
"Anthropomorphic deities exhibited human qualities such as beauty, wisdom, and power, and sometimes human weaknesses such as greed, hatred, jealousy, and uncontrollable anger. Greek deities such as Zeus and Apollo often were depicted in human form exhibiting both commendable and despicable human traits."

You are entitled to your opinion like everyone else here, but please do not try to tell us how to think, or imply that your opinions are better than anyone else's.

Thank you.


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