A few years ago, I read... The ancients observed Mars returning to the same point every 47 years in relationship to the background stars, the Sun & Earth. Did I get that right and does anyone have a source/link?
rod: I AM the one who wrote that on Wikipedia 47. I used the link http://spaces.imperial.edu/russell.lavery/Ast100/Lectures/Ast100Topic05.html , but can it be found anywhere else?Wikipedia reports this, "The 47-year cycle of Mars: after 47 years - 22 synodic periods of 780 days each - Mars returns to the same position among the stars and is in the same relationship to the Earth and Sun. The ancient Mesopotamians discovered this cycle.[8]", 47 (number)
@rod ,
Does Starry Night refers to the Mars 47 year cycle? Mars has the same cycle today that it had thousands of years ago. I AM wanting to confirm this with a better source than that one website.