<p>As far I understand Dark Matter is the reason to why galaxies and galaxy clusters are clogging up together, right? If that is the case dark matter has a "pushing" force. </p><p>Now what if we finally discovered it, knew what it was and we started to be able to "control it"? Wouldn that be something? I imagined that by "controling it" we could create, destroy and make it move or make it push to whatever we wish. If that would be the case again, we could make a web of dark matter around the solar system, and boyah, fly our solar system somewhere else (close to another solar system). </p><p>That way we would stay togerher in a bubble of solar system that would be "small" enough to allow us to fly back and forth without having anyone leaving the planet earth only to be heard from again in 2000 years when they reached the closest star. This way we would basically explore the universe as a whole and not having to send representatives. What do you guys think?