You've got me interested now:Truthseeker007
You asked: "On that matter I heard somewhere isn't the light from the sun we are getting today from 1,000 years ago or so? So we won't even live in this time to get the light that the energy the sun has now. What do you make of that?"
It is difficult to follow the path of any one photon (if, indeed, that statement means anything at all) but, as theory goes, energy swaps around between photons for (what I regard as) an absurdly long time in the radiative zone (1000 years may be a puny estimate) but once it leaves the photosphere I think it only takes 8 minutes or so to reach us.
As I said, it may be meaningless to try to follow the existence of a single photon as it begins in the gamma ray part of the electromagnetic spectrum and gradually 'degrades' (but not as the same photon) until emitted in visible wavelengths.
Oh well, more coffee is what I need right now ...
Looks right on both counts.(1000 years may be a puny estimate) but once it leaves the photosphere I think it only takes 8 minutes or so to reach us.
Interesting about the gamma-ray, to be honest, it never even occurred to me that the light came from the core. Do you think some is coming from the surface as well? The only problem is that all the articles I found on it seemed to assume or imply it's the same photon and it just changes frequency with each collision - needs more checking?it begins in the gamma ray part of the electromagnetic spectrum and gradually 'degrades' (but not as the same photon) until emitted in visible wavelengths.
I'm propping myself up with 50% cocoa dark chocolate (dark energy
'Steady State of The Infinite' theory
infinite space - infinite universes - no beginning - no end
infinite space - infinite universes - no beginning - no end