Another issue to consider: from what I've been reading, Neptune's gravitational influence could only have cleared out conflicting KBO's out to about 50 Au, yet the Kuiper Belt is thought to extend to ~20,000 Au, where the Oort Cloud starts. That is a rather huge swath of space to be cleared out by some unknown mechanism. Assuming that any Neptune sized object has a 50 AU reach, which has also likely been reinforced by the much closer in Jupter gravity field, a 19,950 AU wide zone seems to mandate either a large Brown Dwarf or multiple superjovians, at the very least. With a radius of influence of 9,975 Au, such an object would either need to be very massive, like a singificantly sized red dwarf, or else have a rather eccentric orbit such that its traverses through the region would result in high velocity non-circular force vectors that would make up for lower mass in causing perturbations.<br /><br />Given the phrase "absence of evidence is not evidence of absence" in dismissing outlandish pseudoscientific or mystical claims, Nemesis theory is actually based on evidence of absence: there SHOULD be a body there, just as observations of the perturbations of Saturn and Uranus led to the natural discovery of Neptune. Before Neptune was found, scientists recognised that it SHOULD be out there, so actually observing it was merely capping what was already mountainous evidence of its existence.<br /><br />Many of the critics of science will try to claim that things like subatomic physics, quantum physics, are not legitimate science because these things cannot be directly observed, as if direct observation is scientifically mandatory. It is not, but what is mandatory is 'evidence of absence", directly observed and calculated evidence that can only be if something exists which has not yet been observed. <br /><br />Theories as to what that something is can abound: witness the many and varied TOEs out there, the multiple string theories, and M theory which ties them all together.<b></b>