Hi all,<br /><br />Thanks for the responses. Time dilation...hmmm...i had thought of that but had dismissed it since I thought time dilation only applied to the person who was traveling at a velocity which would make it an issue. Frankly, I hadn't thought about it from the standpoint of the BB still occuring...from it's own perspective...wow, messed me up (laughing). I think my son will be able to understand the concept of some process (such as a star forming) creating light for x number of years, therefore that light would stream outward for those x years, but would travel for x years PLUS how many "years" had passed since the moment the last light beam brought up the rear from the process that stopped making the light, to 'now', when we begin seeing it. OK, I just made myself woozy <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" />. <br /><br />I find myself fascinated by this time dilation suggestion...tell me if this is what you meant...from its (the BB) perspective, it could still be occurring, (although I thought the speed estimates of what happened during the first few moments of it decreased from light speed pretty rapidly?...), but since it is happening at relativistic speeds, then while the ejecta and subsequent evolution of the matter in the universe has gone on in a measurable manner, the BB process has slowed down relative to our measurement of time passage? I fear there are major gaps in my explanation here, though...doesn't time dilation involve the crossing of distance by something as well as the measurement of time in proximity to that "something" and its comparison to the measurement of time at some other point? Egads...thud. I think I will quit asking questions and begin reading more theory to see if there are answers for all this stuff instead of nattering on. Sorry if I appear to be using up too much air <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" />...it's a break from corporate life.