Question Earth Moon Origin

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I have posted this before.

[Submitted on 15 Aug 2024]

Lunar Swirls Unveil the Origin of the Moon Magnetic Field​

Boxin Zuo, Xiangyun Hu, Lizhe Wang, Yi Cai, Mason Andrew Kass
The origins of the lunar magnetic anomalies and swirls have long puzzled this http URL prevailing theory posits that an ancient lunar dynamo core field magnetized extralunar meteoritic materials, leading to the current remnant magnetic anomalies that shield against solar wind ions, thereby contributing to the formation of lunar swirls. Our research reveals that these lunar swirls are the result of ancient electrical currents that traversed the Moon's surface, generating powerful magnetizing fields impacting both native lunar rocks and extralunar projectile materials. We have reconstructed 3-D distribution maps of these ancient subsurface currents and developed coupling models of magnetic and electric fields that take into account the subsurface density in the prominent lunar maria and basins. Our simulations suggest these ancient currents could have reached density up to 13 A/m2, with surface magnetizing field as strong as 469 {\mu}T. We propose that these intense electrical current discharges in the crust originate from ancient interior dynamo activity.
Many scientists support the Collision theory.
Some support the same Origin.

The evidence is not decisive .

The Moon has been dated the same as the Earth.

Whether they collided or not, does not matter. Their Origin is the same.
Jan 6, 2025
To add to the mix. A recent paper publish in Nature, “Tidally driven remelting around 4.35 billion years ago indicates the Moon is old” by Francis Nimmo, Thorsten Kleine and Alessandro Morbidelli, 18 December 2024 now gives far more certianty to the idea the Moon was not formed from a giant impact as has been the prevailing theory for at least 4 decades.

There were many aspects of the Moon that did not fit with the theory, which resulted in some wild speculation that modelling has now proved to be incorrect, leaving us with the basic Giant Impact Hyposthesis as invisaged by Reginald Daly in 1946 and then resurected in the 1970 by Hartmann and Davis following the Apollo landings. They originally thought a giant asteroid could explain it, but this was later modified to a Mars sized body that was soon named Theia.

However, that theory still left many gaping holes in the observations from lunar missions, both manned and unmanned, and observations from Earth - including modelling that struggled to explain all the Moons eccentricities.

The latest research inplies that the Moon is at least as old as Earth, and that our current age estimates for it are at least 200 million years too young

SciTechDaily have a good write up on this story HERE
Dec 10, 2024

"Pluto won Charon over with a 10 hour kiss"

"We were definitely surprised by the 'kiss' part of kiss-and-capture. There hasn't really been a kind of impact before where the two bodies only temporarily merge before re-separating!"



If this can be envisaged wrt Pluto and Charon, why not wrt our Earth and Moon?
Jan 6, 2025

"Pluto won Charon over with a 10 hour kiss"

"We were definitely surprised by the 'kiss' part of kiss-and-capture. There hasn't really been a kind of impact before where the two bodies only temporarily merge before re-separating!"



If this can be envisaged wrt Pluto and Charon, why not wrt our Earth and Moon?
I can see several major flaws in this hypothesis, namely, Nyx, Styx, Kerberos and Hydra. Had Pluto and Charon been seperate bodies at their formation that later cojoined after a near collision, gravitational forces would have ejected these fragmentary Moons from the system, and we would be left with Pluto and Charon alone in space.

Given the slow orbital velocities in this region of space, two large bodies coming together from the void is rare over the course of the life of the solar system, even in the early days. We know it can happen, it is the only way Triton could have ended up in its current orbit of Neptune, but for Pluto to then capture another 4 objects that are in dynamically stable orbits just seems far fetched as they have clearly beein in these stable orbits for a very long time.

What the story of the Earth/Moon and the Pluto/Charon system tell us is that there is a lot we can speculate on, but for every one thing we speculate about, there are 10 things we need to consider as a minimum, and 9 of these will likely shoot our theory down in flames. We need to find more examples of parent bodies have a companion that is a significant fraction of the physical size and mass of the dominatant body.

Charon is about 12.5% the mass of Pluto, (Pluto is only 8 times the mass of Charon) a significantly larger proportion than our Moon which is only around 1.23% the mass of Earth (Earth is 81.3 times the mass of the Moon). How such systems form is a mystery, there are a number of Moons in the solar system significantly larger than the Moon, but as a proportion of their parent planet, they are but dots in the night sky.
Kiss and Capture theory in my opinion is not viable.
Forming during the same chaos is more feasible.
During Chaos objects that did not dance together would either move away or collide.
During a kissing process, their motions would be out of balance.
Jan 6, 2025
Kiss and Capture theory in my opinion is not viable. -
Forming during the same chaos is more feasible.
During Chaos objects that did not dance together would either move away or collide.
During a kissing process, their motions would be out of balance.
Kiss and Capture only works on bodies less that 50km across, above that the gravitational forces involved will decimate the smaller body. This is why we only see double lobed asteroids up to a certain size.
60 years ago, all this was a dream.
In the early 60s, we knew very little, no computers to talk about, No Hubble, no calculators, very little.
Info has exploded in the last few years.

[Submitted on 2 Oct 2024]

Ejected from home: C/1980 E1 (Bowell) and C/2024 L5 (ATLAS)​

R. de la Fuente Marcos, C. de la Fuente Marcos, S. J. Aarseth
Context. Natural interstellar objects do not form isolated in deep space, but escape their natal planetary systems. Early removal from their home star systems via close flybys with still-forming planets could be the dominant ejection mechanism. However, dynamically evolved planetary systems such as the Solar System may also be a significant source of natural interstellar objects.
Aims. We studied the dynamical evolution of two unusual Solar System hyperbolic comets, C/1980 E1 (Bowell) and C/2024 L5 (ATLAS), to investigate the circumstances that led them to reach moderate Solar System excess hyperbolic speeds.
Methods. We used N-body simulations and statistical analyses to explore the planetary encounters that led to the ejection of C/1980 E1 and C/2024 L5, and studied their pre- and post-encounter trajectories.
Results. We confirm that C/1980 E1 reached its present path into interstellar space after an encounter with Jupiter at 0.23 au on December 9, 1980. C/2024 L5 was scattered out of the Solar System following a flyby to Saturn at 0.003 au on January 24, 2022. Integrations backward in time show that C/1980 E1 came from the inner Oort cloud but C/2024 L5 could be a former retrograde, inactive Centaur. The receding velocities of C/1980 E1 and C/2024 L5 when entering interstellar space will be 3.8 and 2.8 km/s, moving towards Aries and Triangulum, respectively.
Conclusions. Our results for two comets ejected from the Solar System indicate that dynamically evolved planetary systems can be effective sources of interstellar objects and provide constraints on their velocity distribution.
Exploring is important to space travel. The future is near.
Interstellar matter.

[Submitted on 17 Oct 2024]

Exploring the supernova remnant contribution to the first LHAASO source catalog via passively illuminated interstellar clouds​

A.M.W. Mitchell, S. Celli
Supernova remnants (SNRs) are considered as the most promising source class to account for the bulk of the Galactic cosmic-ray flux. Yet amongst the population of ultra-high energy (UHE) sources that has recently emerged, due to high-altitude particle detector experiments such as LHAASO and HAWC, remarkably few are associated with known SNRs. These observations might well indicate that the highest energy particles would escape the remnant early during the shock evolution as a result of its reduced confinement capabilities. This flux of escaping particles may then encounter dense targets (gas and dust) for hadronic interactions in the form of both atomic and molecular material such as interstellar clouds, thereby generating a UHE gamma-ray flux. We explore such a scenario here, considering known SNRs in a physically driven model for particle escape, and as coupled to molecular clouds in the Galaxy. Our analysis allows the investigation of SNR-illuminated clouds in coincidence with sources detected in the first LHAASO catalogue. Indeed, the illuminated interstellar clouds may contribute to the total gamma-ray flux from several unidentified sources, as we discuss here. Yet we nevertheless find that further detailed studies will be necessary to verify or refute this scenario of passive UHE gamma-ray sources in future.
[Submitted on 22 Nov 2024]

The Moon-forming Impact as a Constraint for the Inner Solar System's Formation​

Interesting reading.
Form your own opinion

Tong Fang, Rongxi Bi, Hui Zhang, You Zhou, Christian Reinhardt, Hongping Deng
The solar system planets are benchmarks for the planet formation theory. Yet two paradigms coexist for the four terrestrial planets: the prolonged collisional growth among planetesimals lasting >100 million years (Myr) and the fast formation via planetesimals accreting pebbles within 10 Myr. Despite their dramatic difference, we can hardly tell which theory is more relevant to the true history of the terrestrial planets' formation. Here, we show that the Moon's origin puts stringent constraints on the pebble accretion scenario, rendering it less favourable. In the pebble accretion model, the one-off giant impact between proto-Earth and Theia rarely (probability < 1\textperthousand) occurs at the right timing and configuration for the Moon formation. Even if a potential impact happens by chance, giant impact simulations reveal perfect mixing between proto-Earth and Theia, leaving no room for the observed primordial Earth mantle heterogeneity and the compositional difference, though small, between Earth and the Moon. Thus, the Earth-Moon system along other terrestrial planets should preferably form from chaotic collisional growth in the inner solar system.
Thus, independent evaluations of the Moon's age provide an additional constraint on the validity of accretion simulations.
It is too soon to say we know accurately the formation of the Earth and the Moon.

[Submitted on 26 Nov 2024]

Tungsten isotope evolution during Earth's formation and new constraints on the viability of accretion simulations​

D.C. Rubie, K.I. Dale, G. Nathan, M. Nakajima, E.S. Jennings, G.J. Golabek, S.A. Jacobson, A. Morbidelli
The Hf-W isotopic system is the reference chronometer for determining the chronology of Earth's accretion and differentiation. However, its results depend strongly on uncertain parameters, including the extent of metal-silicate equilibration and the siderophility of tungsten. Here we show that a multistage core-formation model based on N-body accretion simulations, element mass balance and metal-silicate partitioning, largely eliminates these uncertainties. We modified the original model of Rubie et al. (2015) by including (1) smoothed particle hydrodynamics estimates of the depth of melting caused by giant impacts and (2) the isotopic evolution of 182W. We applied two metal-silicate fractionation mechanisms: one when the metal delivered by the cores of large impactors equilibrates with only a small fraction of the impact-induced magma pond and the other when metal delivered by small impactors emulsifies in global magma oceans before undergoing progressive segregation. The latter is crucial for fitting the W abundance and 182W anomaly of Earth's mantle. In addition, we show, for the first time, that the duration of magma ocean solidification has a major effect on Earth's tungsten isotope anomaly. We re-evaluate the six Grand Tack N-body simulations of Rubie et al. (2015). Only one reproduces epsilon182W=1.9+/-0.1 of Earth's mantle, otherwise accretion is either too fast or too slow. Depending on the characteristics of the giant impacts, results predict that the Moon formed either 143-183 Myr or 53-62 Myr after the start of the solar system. Thus, independent evaluations of the Moon's age provide an additional constraint on the validity of accretion simulations.
Sometimes moon-like objects are caught for some time.

[Submitted on 13 Dec 2024]

On The Lunar Origin of Near-Earth Asteroid 2024 PT5​

Theodore Kareta, Oscar Fuentes-Muñoz, Nicholas Moskovitz, Davide Farnocchia, Benjamin N.L. Sharkey
The Near-Earth Asteroid (NEA) 2024 PT5 is on an Earth-like orbit which remained in Earth's immediate vicinity for several months at the end of 2024. PT5's orbit is challenging to populate with asteroids originating from the Main Belt and is more commonly associated with rocket bodies mistakenly identified as natural objects or with debris ejected from impacts on the Moon. We obtained visible and near-infrared reflectance spectra of PT5 with the Lowell Discovery Telescope and NASA Infrared Telescope Facility on 2024 August 16. The combined reflectance spectrum matches lunar samples but does not match any known asteroid types -- it is pyroxene-rich while asteroids of comparable spectral redness are olivine-rich. Moreover, the amount of solar radiation pressure observed on the PT5 trajectory is orders of magnitude lower than what would be expected for an artificial object. We therefore conclude that 2024 PT5 is ejecta from an impact on the Moon, thus making PT5 the second NEA suggested to be sourced from the surface of the Moon. While one object might be an outlier, two suggest that there is an underlying population to be characterized. Long-term predictions of the position of 2024 PT5 are challenging due to the slow Earth encounters characteristic of objects in these orbits. A population of near-Earth objects which are sourced by the Moon would be important to characterize for understanding how impacts work on our nearest neighbor and for identifying the source regions of asteroids and meteorites from this under-studied population of objects on very Earth-like orbits.
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The formation of planets and moons is researched from various angles.

[Submitted on 6 Jan 2025]

Formation of super-Earths and mini-Neptunes from rings of planetesimals​

Sho Shibata, Andre Izidoro
The solar system planetary architecture has been proposed to be consistent with the terrestrial and giant planets forming from material rings at ~1 au and ~5 au, respectively. Here, we show that super-Earths and mini-Neptunes may share a similar formation pathway. In our simulations conducted with a disk alpha-viscosity of 4e-3, super-Earths accrete from rings of rocky material in the inner disk, growing predominantly via planetesimal accretion. Mini-Neptunes primarily originate from rings located beyond the water snowline, forming via pebble accretion. Our simulations broadly match the period-ratio distribution, the intra-system size uniformity, and the planet multiplicity distribution of exoplanets. The radius valley constrains the typical total mass available for rocky planet formation to be less than 3-6 Earth masses. Our results predict that planets at ~1 au in systems with close-in super-Earths and mini-Neptunes are predominantly water-rich. Though relatively uncommon, at ~1% level, such systems might also host rocky Earth-sized planets in the habitable zone that underwent late giant impacts, akin to the Moon-forming event.
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I, do not agree with this paper.
I post papers even though I disagree.
You never know, my opinion could be wrong.

[Submitted on 26 Feb 2025]

Origin of the lunar inclination from tidal interaction of multiple-moon system​

Wenshuai Liu
According to the giant impact theory, the Moon formed through accreting the debris disk produced by Theia colliding with the early Earth and the predicted lunar inclination is about within one degree when Moon formed. However, the current lunar orbital inclination with five degrees requires the Moon's orbital inclination relative to the Earth's equator to be about ten degrees when traced back to the time of lunar formation. Since two moons are also a natural outcome of simulations of lunar formation from a protolunar disk produced a giant impact, here we show that, under solar perturbation, gravitational tidal interaction between Earth and two moons with orbital inclination of one degree relative to Earth's equatorial plane could lead to the merger of one moon with Earth, or the merger of the two moons or the ejection of one moon, resulting that the remaining moon's orbital inclination relative to Earth's equator could be up to 15 degrees. The theory proposed here may provide a way of explaining the initial large lunar inclination relative to the Earth's equator.


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