Earth's water might have come from ancient space rocks, meteorite discovery suggests

Aug 20, 2023
Scientists have found fingerprints of water in ancient meteorites reminiscent of the planetesimals that formed Earth.

Earth's water might have come from ancient space rocks, meteorite discovery suggests : Read more
This is NOT news or new.
I've know about this for 30 years, at least.
Google it
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Meteorites - are space rocks that have survived their passage through the atmosphere and landed on the surface of a planet or moon.

Asteroids - are rocky, metallic, or icy bodies that orbit the sun within the inner solar system.
THEY HAVE WATER !!!! but not enough to fill the oceans completely. Comets played a BIG part also.

...kill'n me....
I think that the earth is saturated with super heated water. Adding greatly to earth's water inventory. A true water planet. The dissolved ions in it probably gives us our M field. Rotating interior charge fields. Current. A change in ion polarity population could flip that field. Without changing earth's rotation.

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