Eccelston or Tennet?

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Which do you like better as Dr. Who? I'm still liking Eccleston better. I which he'd have stayed on more than one season. My theory is that if you can't stick it out for at least 5 years, you shouldn't take the part. The Dr. has only 13 regenerations. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>


I know what you mean, but I think 5 years would be a rather long time, if you did not have your heart into it, or found better options for yourself. But again, there ARE only so many regen.s the DR. can make, and keep to the original storyline.<br /><br />As for which plays a better DR., it has only been a few shows in the can so far, and I do remember having not to compare the original ST show the the NextGen shows, and letting it stand on its own merit. That helped me make the transition from one to the other.


I liked Eccleston much better. Tennet reminds me of Eric Idle, and while I love Monty Python and all, Tennet isut isn't The Doctor.<br /><br />Tom Baker was my all time favorite Doctor, and I think Eccelston for me was like a comfy pair of shoes. His mannerisms and expressions reminded me of Baker.<br /><br />Dr Who was and is a cheesy show. It's not the story lines or special effects (obviously in the case of the show in its earlier history), the show lives or dies to me because of who Who is. At least to me.<br /><br />I've not enjoyed this season nearly so much as I did last season. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <em>"2012.. Year of the Dragon!! Get on the Dragon Wagon!".</em> </div>


I'm going against the grain, I prefer Tennant. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <font color="#800080">"All God does is watch us and kill us when we get boring. We must never, ever be boring" - <strong>Chuck Palahniuk</strong>.</font> </div>


But take heart, Eccelston fans, the BBCA is still advertising Nov. 21 at 10 P.M.,(eastern, I would persume) for the start of season one all over again.


I didn't think that I'd like Tennet, because he doesn't channel his inner Tom Baker like Eccleston did. I think that Baker almost defined American expectations of <i>Doctor Who</i>'s leading man, much like Bela Lugosi defined Count Dracula and Coca Cola manufactured our modern image of Santa Claus.<br /><br />Once I actually watched an entire episode with Tennet, and decided to judge him on his own merits, I realized that I like him as much as any other Doctor Who.


Like Tennet better. I think he matches Baker better. Eccleson was too hyper for me.


Like Aetius, I didn't think I'd like Tennant as much as Eccleston. But I'm with you, Aetius and Flynn, perhaps because I feel I'm getting a little more from Tennant. Taking nothing at all away from Eccleston, who benefitted from being featured in some great episodes, who also came across as more truly alien.<br /><br />And perhaps that's what I'm responding to about Tennant's take on the character. The Doctor seems to be growing, changing - ever so slightly. Which you hope to see in a character, especially in the central character. Tennant comes across as just a bit more human and accessible, while still maintaining an unbridled enthusiasm for adventure which seems devoid of human concerns. And so still alien; just a little less so than before.<br /><br />Probably doesn't hurt him at all that he also got to share screen time with Sophia Myles. And didn't seem to mind so much when it looked like he'd be marooned in 18th century Versailles with her for the rest of his days. : )


I have recently, finally, seen some of the new Dr.Who episodes with Eccleston and Tennant. I saw a Tennant episode first and this may have influenced me in preferring him more (i.e. you like what you get used to)<br /><br />I was pleasantly surprised with Tennant. I liked his characterisation - witty, positive, light-hearted. Having just seen an Eccleston episode last night, I found he had a face that lacked the ability to give expression and thought he'd be better off playing a Cyberman.<br /><br />Perhaps Eccleston looks more like Baker, but Tennant's performance is more Baker-esque. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>


I am undecided as to which one I like better. They both do a fine job, in my opinion. I wouldn't describe either of them as being Tom Baker-ish, though. They created their own interpretations of the character, just as they were meant to.<br /><br />Similarities between Eccleston and Baker are inevitable, though, as his preparation for the role consisted mainly of watching the DVD release of "The Talons of Weng-Chiang". Eccleston had not previously watched Dr Who, you see. Tennet, on the other hand, was a raving mad Whovian growing up, and I think that somewhat harms his early appearances, especially in "The Christmas Invasion". He's trying a little too hard to live up to his dream role. Once he settled in, though, he did beautifully. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p> </p><p><font color="#666699"><em>"People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but actually from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint it's more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly . . . timey wimey . . . stuff."</em>  -- The Tenth Doctor, "Blink"</font></p> </div>
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