Yeah, DE is just a label used to describe the acceleration aspect of the universe. They didn't see that coming, and had there not been two competing teams of scientists that discovered acceleration at essentially the same time then it may not have gotten quite the amount of attention as it did.
And that is how the world started looking for dark matter/energy to explain why it's going faster.
We might have missed the easiest solution that our universe wasn't alone and external G influence was now bigger than internal G influence.
Same result.
Yes, but I think it helps for us to remind one another that we must keep math and physics in their respective realms. The difference is objective evidence and falsifiability, else we get pseudoscience passing for scientific "theories", which is happening today too often, IMO.
Difficult to say if math can even give fantastic results if our basic understanding of the universe is wrong then we start from wrong math.
Lots of loose holes in understanding like gravity, seeing things older that the universe, infinite mass objects/black holes that don't produce infinite mass and oddities like Dark flow.
We probably have bad math at the start