i don't believe in etheric energy, but i won't completely dismiss it without a through examination; so i'd like eveyone's view on this info i latelyreceived:<br /><br />"when physicists beganto study the quantum theory of fields, they discovered that a vacuum is not all what it had long appeared to be-just empyy space devoid of substance and activity....What might appear to be emty space is is a seething ferment of virtual particles. A vacuum is not inert and featureless, but alive with throbbing energy and vitality. A 'real' particle such as an electron must always be viewed against this background..."<br />"The distinction between matter and emty space fiinally had to be abandoned when it became evident that virtual particles can come into being spontaneously out of the void, and vanish again into the void," writes Fritjof Capra in 'The Tao of Physics' (Boston, Shambhala, 3rd ed 1991) "According to field theory, events of that kind happen all the time. The vacuum is far from empty. On the contrary, it contains an unlimited number of particles which come into being and vanish without end....The 'physicle vacuum'...contains the potentiality for all forms of the particle world. These forms, in turn, are not independent physical entities but merely transient manifestations of the undelying Void....The discovery of the dynamic quality of the vacuum is seen by many physicists as one of the most important findings of modern physics."<br />"According to our current understanding of physics, every region of space is awash with different kinds of fields composed of waves of varying lengths," writes Michael Talbot in 'The Holopraphic Universe' (New York: HarperCollins, 1991). "Each wave always has at least some energy. When physicists calculate the minimum amount of energy a wave can possess, they find that every cubic centemeter of empty space contains more energy than the total energy of all the matter in the universe.<br />Some physicists refuse to take this calculation seriou