There are different types of nanotechnologies. One is to array geometric shapes of nanoparticles. In a line, 10nm - 250nm shapes are stable enough after annealing the front and back jacks (Like D-Day coastal iron crosses), to form a Mechano set of connectable rods. Assembled, these lines of shapes can hold ship shielding. Ice, ceramic, titanium, rocks...
Right now, Cadmium Selenium supracrystals are not space worthy. Different elements will form different backbones. Threats include micro-meteors, various radiations, internal explosions, surface explosions, deceleration, shield loading ability, even crash landing in the Solar System. Each element of supracrystal assembled rods, will have different strengths and weaknesses by material. Holo diamond nanorods might not be machined by a Nanhattan now, can't be joined, but may make it to a few stars. Aluminum is cheap. Carbon existing materials might be all you have if a sooty asteroid is your only in situ building block. Advanced carbon with weaved grapes allotropes can dampen. A 1/2 dozen risks and dozen supracrystal frame materials should reveal a logic box of what destinations and missions are enabled by what frame (not connected to most pressurized volumes of the ship). This technology is not enabled by ball milling or BM improvements, but having ball milled factory equipment will make supracrystal multiple-tetris-pieces, easier to develop.
Right now, Cadmium Selenium supracrystals are not space worthy. Different elements will form different backbones. Threats include micro-meteors, various radiations, internal explosions, surface explosions, deceleration, shield loading ability, even crash landing in the Solar System. Each element of supracrystal assembled rods, will have different strengths and weaknesses by material. Holo diamond nanorods might not be machined by a Nanhattan now, can't be joined, but may make it to a few stars. Aluminum is cheap. Carbon existing materials might be all you have if a sooty asteroid is your only in situ building block. Advanced carbon with weaved grapes allotropes can dampen. A 1/2 dozen risks and dozen supracrystal frame materials should reveal a logic box of what destinations and missions are enabled by what frame (not connected to most pressurized volumes of the ship). This technology is not enabled by ball milling or BM improvements, but having ball milled factory equipment will make supracrystal multiple-tetris-pieces, easier to develop.