Even though such delays are difficult for some people here who support these efforts very strongly, I personally believe that Elon Musk is showing the right attitude here. In the early years of rocketry it was generally the military that was develping these systems, and they had relatively unlimited funidng in which to make mistakes. If you have ever seen the movie "The Right Stuff" you must remember all of those spectacular explosions of early rocket developement!<br /><br />None of these pure private start up companies can even come close to that kind of failure rate here! Not only would this be very damaging to the reputations of such companies, but just as importantly it would immediately cut very heavily into any kind of profit such companies hope to generate (of course, too much delay could also have a bad affect on such profits, but not as much as out and out failure of the rockets themselves). <br /><br />I will admit however, that if there are these many problems getting such a relatively small rocket off the ground, then perhaps it is somewhat premature to be talking about the size of rockets similer to the EELV's!!<br /><br />I would guess that Boeing, LM, Northrupp and other such established companies might just not have as much to worry abput as some on these boards would think they do!!<br /><br />It IS NOT an easy thing to launch such rockets into space, under the best of circumstances!!<br /><br />Please don't misunderstand me here, I am all for more companies getting into this business, and wish all very good luck in doing so. It is just that I think a little more patience and reality from some on these boards would be worthwhile, and a little less antagonism against those established companies that have actually been able to do these things would also be more helpful!