favorite Sci-fi movie or TV?

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What is your favorite Sci-fi movie or TV?<br /><br />I say space above and beyond and stargate.<br /><br />But after season 7 or season 8 of stargate SG1 has bean going down hill. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>


I concur! :))<br /><br />Being new to this site and I simply cannot believe that Stargate was not listed anywhere on the first three pages of posts under the 'science fiction" section....that is amazing considering what a terrific show it is...both of them are, in fact!<br /><br />Both the original movie and the TV show are stupendous in my humble opinion....and we mustn't forget Stargate Atlantis which is also a great show but in a different way....


Sci-Fi TV = Babylon 5<br />Sci-Fi Movie = too many to name<br /><br />(I bypassed the obvious Star Trek franchises. I like all of them as well except for DS9 which, IMO, was terrible aside from a very few stories that stayed as far away from Sisko/DS9 as possible. Favorite ST series atm for me is "Enterprise" but most everyone hates that. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" /> ) <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <font size="1">I put on my robe and wizard hat...</font> </div>


My faves are as follows:<br /><br />Sci-fi Tv series= Star Trek (Voyager, TNG, DS9, OS, Enterprise, in that order)<br />Sci-fi movie= Mission to Mars (I saw it 26 times the year it was released) , Galaxy Quest, ST:First Contact<br /><br />note to a_lost_packet: Enterprise was loathed by "veteran" viewers like me because it was a prequel to the 1960's Original Series. The technologies shown were less potent than even a 1960 series and that was what Trekkies didn't like. But if Enterprise is the first Trek series for you, it will appear as good as the other franchises.


<font color="yellow">ashish27 - But if Enterprise is the first Trek series for you, it will appear as good as the other franchises.</font><br /><br />No, I was a big fan of TOS in the 70's. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" /> The TOS is my favorite, of course. But, of all the newer series including TNG, I like "Enterprise" much better. It has a grittier feel to it and they did an excellent job of portraying mankind's first steps into exploring the Star Trek universe. Of all the series, I feel that the two that most people hate, "Enterprise" and "Voyager", handle their themes the best. Star Trek canon isn't something that I get overly concerned about as long as deviations don't detract from the story. Story > All, in my opinion. To me, those two have some of the best story "hooks" in them.<br /><br />But, each to their own. That's why the Star Trek franchise is great - Everyone gets a slice of their favorite pie. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <font size="1">I put on my robe and wizard hat...</font> </div>


Borg episodes of Voyager were pretty good.<br /><br />(Q suicide one was excellent, Q Civil War one was dreadful)<br /><br /><br />As we recollect our favorite Sci-Fi, judge them by the classics; Blakes 7, Fireball XL-5, Stingray, and Quark.<br /><br /><br /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p><font color="#ff0000"><strong>TPTB went to Dallas and all I got was Plucked !!</strong></font></p><p><font color="#339966"><strong>So many people, so few recipes !!</strong></font></p><p><font color="#0000ff"><strong>Let's clean up this stinkhole !!</strong></font> </p> </div>


Yeah, everyone has their opinions and preferences that differs significantly from those of others. For example you may like the upcoming Trek movie since you are a TOS fan, but i don't think I'll like it unless it has got something very special.<br /><br />I want to see a sequel to Voyager, with a ship more advanced than that and the crew facing a far more difficult challenge the Voyager crew.<br /><br />A totally new ship with totally new technologies would be a great idea


I'm a TOS fan but am not looking forward to the new movie simply because I fear they are going to rely too heavily on the nostalgia of the old TOS series characters to carry the day. I hope they don't... But, the ST movie track record isn't too good. Let's hope they break the mold and come up with a really good story with characters that have presence and appeal. I'd rather see a good story than see two hours of "Spock's first eyebrow raise","Scot works his first engineering miracle" or "McKoy say's "He's dead Jim." <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <font size="1">I put on my robe and wizard hat...</font> </div>


Hmmmm... 2001 and firefly.. except when it is Aliens and Farscape... or maybe Red Dwarf.. Yes definitely Red Dwarf and The Matrix.<br /><br />Ive seen all the Startrek.. Enterprise is probably actually my favorite though I would have preferred it if it had been even more present day and clunky.. eg helicopters instead of shuttles because we cant build antigravity craft that small.. And the aliens all falling over and laughing when we turn up <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" />


kelvin zero, if that was the case Enterprise wouldn't have lasted a single season! <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" /><br /><br />


<i>Aliens</i>, hands-down. I've probably seen it a dozen times, and every single time I let out a huge breath after the last scene. Apart from being SF, I still consider it the perfect action movie.<br /><br />For shows, I'll always have a soft spot for TOS--yes, even though STNG was more technically competent and sophisticated. Call me a sucker for the "Golden Age" feel of the series.


sg-1 changed, but it became alot more light hearted, which seemed like a good thing! favorite sci-fi shows are sg-1, stargate atlantis and most importantly farscape! cant wait for the farscape webisodes!


hey, just to let you know, weir was involved in an accident at the end of season 3 that left her brain damaged and she was only kept alive by nanites, she then sacrifised herself 'for the greater good' and so then carter came in to take over! it was unnecessary and weir was great!


farscape is not overrated! that show was great and gave other sci-fi shows something to aim for! i cant wait until the new webisodes of farscape are released!


I agree. Farscape was an excellent series. Yes, it was a little off-the-wall. Yes, it was different. But, that was what was great about it. It threw away some common sci-fi conventions and managed to do it with style. A great show! <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <font size="1">I put on my robe and wizard hat...</font> </div>


Best babe factor: Firefly <br /><br /><img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" /><br /><br />You are talking Kaylee here, I know you are!. Or maybe Zoe . . . ummm. . . Kapai!.<br /><br />Here is an AWESOME photo of the lassies!.<br /><br />http://www.firefly-serendipity.com/serenity-women2.jpg <br /><br />(Edited to correct treacherous mispelling of the beautiful Kaylees name *BAD DOG, BAD!* )


I could probably name the very best show/movie IMO, but it's more interesting to name the best most (IMO) underrated SF show: Good vs. Evil. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>
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