Favorite Twilight Zone, Outer Limits, Show

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I know there is nothing really new under the sun, but I was just thinking of some favorite T.Z. shows. I never really thought I watched them that much, until I got a 3rd shift job several years back, and there was a T.V. in the break room. During breaks a guy would tune in the show, and I found I could just about tell him the show in the first minute or so. Then it got to be a challenge to see if I had seen that episode or not.

What was a favorite show, or funny one, or favorite character. Or you could relate it to any other OLD SF show you know. But you probably would have to admit your age to really do so, or be a hugh fan of such like.

One of my favorite actors had to be Burgess Merid_____, (sorry about that). He was in many of the shows, and one of my all time favorites was Time Enough at Last. He was the book worm in the bank who survived the atomic blast only to break his glasses on the steps of the library. He was also Mr. Dingle the worlds strongest man. That one was funny.

Others would be, the writer with the tape recorder who could create anything he wanted by speaking it. Or, Will the Real Martian Stand Up? Or Agnes Moorhead in her famous roll where she never said a word? Will Shatner, who saw the creature on the plane's wing. But you get the idea. I will put a list together later when it is not so late for me.

The actors in these shows made the show great. There was Joe Flynn who played the mortician for all the monsters who wanted a funeral, like Dracula, wolfman, and others. That may not have been a TZ show, but a Night Gallery show though.


HRacct":1ohilosv said:
One of my favorite actors had to be Burgess Merid_____, (sorry about that). He was in many of the shows, and one of my all time favorites was Time Enough at Last. He was the book worm in the bank who survived the atomic blast only to break his glasses on the steps of the library. He was also Mr. Dingle the worlds strongest man. That one was funny.

Others would be, Agnes Moorhead in her famous roll where she never said a word? Will Shatner, who saw the creature on the plane's wing.

Yes, those were all good. Wasn't Shatner in another episode, or maybe it was an old Outer Limits? He was a Census Taker in some small, midwest town, I think...?

A few years ago they made some new Outer Limits, hour long episodes. I really liked Sand Kings, about insects from Mars brought back to Earth for study. I watched other new shows, but this one is the only one that really stood out for me.


I never got into The Outer Limits, but absolutely LOVED The Twilight Zone. They'd show 2 episodes in the noon hour each weekday on KTLA (channel 5). When I was in high school on summer break, I'd watch those episodes as often as I could. My fave is still the one when they astronauts lift off and crash, thinking they are on the moon (or was it Mars?), but they were really still on earth! Such a trip. Also "Little Girl Lost", about the little girl that fell through a portal to another dimension.



The original Outer Limits was pure science fiction at it's finest. I always preferred it over The Twilight Zone because it featured more "hard" science fiction, as opposed to the fantasy that TZ often played with. Even though they were pretty low-budget, their special effects were often remarkably good for the day, and, like it's Twilight Zone competition, the acting was always superb. It was certainly edgier than TZ.....so much edgier, in fact, that many episodes were considered unsuitable for children, and were preceded by warnings to parents. My favorite episodes:

A Feasibility Study, where an entire suburban neighborhood is transported to another planet by a dying race in order to study the prospect of enslaving the human race.

The Man Who Was Never Born


The Inheritors

The Probe


This is hands down one of the most all time awesome spectacular intelligent thought provoking TV shows EVER. Rod Serling was a freaking genius. All TV show writers should bow down to him.

Anyway, I have several hundred "favorite" shows here is some I can remember off the top of my head;

Time alone at last.
Eye of the beholder (plastic surgery to correct a beautiful woman)
Nightmare at 20k feet (Shatner in classic form)
Monsters are due at Maple Street
Kick the can
The shelter (a joke gone too far lol)
Old man in the cave
A world of his own (with Rod Serling in it)
The silence
The masks (dying man invites his greedy family for their inheritance)
The howling man (the transformation at the end when the devil gets away is awesome)
A game of pool (so you wanna be the best eh?)
Will the real Martian please stand up (LOL when the cook removed his hat it totally got me)
the living doll (I still don’t like dolls)
I can’t remember the name but the 3 soldiers from present that go back to past and fight with Custer.
Its a good life (into the cornfield with you)
The lonely (as the robot and one man on a planet) showed you don’t need CGR just good writing
On Thursday we leave for home (shows how we just hang on to power sometimes)
to serve man (changed my perception of aliens arriving on planet earth)

Anyway there are hundreds that I can’t even remember. I haven’t seen any T.Z. episodes for a while now as my wife totally freaks out with the show, so I have to make time to sneak in a couple from time to time after she goes to sleep late at night which makes it very eerie to watch as well.


William Shatner also was in the episode about a fortune telling machine at a diner in a small town.

There are so many episode I like, but one that comes to mind right now is "The Masks"...about an elderly man that is dying who convinces his selfish relatives to put on ugly masks that they have to wear till midnight. When they take the masks off, their faces have molded into the shapes of the masks.

Donna Douglas (The Beverly Hillbillies) starred in another episode I like....she plays a woman in a hospital being treated for "severe disfigurement." To us, she is beautiful...but in her society, she is hideous.


I can't remember if this is from the newer version of The TZ or of The OL....but I really like this episode...

A ship that was meant to rescue another, lost ship has itself crashed on an alien planet. Initially, it appears that the survivors of the rescue ship fulfilled their mission....but at the end, it is seen that they have been cocooned by spiderlike creatures and that they are only hallucinating that they rescued the others.


There may not have been "hundreds" of T.Z. shows, but there were a few, nearly all of them great. But I do know what you mean Gravity, my wife refuses to watch them with me. During the new years time there generally is a marathon of TZ shows, and I have watched many of them. Also, I have scaned the guide section on the Direct TV and enjoyed reading about what shows are coming up.

Beauty in the Eye of the Beholder was a good one. I think that one was with Donna Douglas, but could be wrong. Kick the can was also a great fav of mine. Some years back the Twilight Zone movie was out, and Scatman Crouthers played the new resident to the home who had the can to kick. I recently found the book to the movie, with the four tales in it, and it was interesting to read. Even though you knew what was going to happened.

There have also been two incarnations of the show in the past. The first one was almost as much fun as the original. Henry Morgan played a seemingly crazy man who had a crazy habit of connecting many different things in his house until it was showed he was keeping the world from disasters by the things he was doing. Too bad that series did not last long. The next one was with Forest Whitaker, but it was beginning to show age from trying to copy copies of the ideas of shows.


Famous Last Words and other things from T.Z. shows.

1. An easy one to start with, "It's not fair, It's just not fair." Which show, and actor.

2. What 2 famous actors, male and female, start our as soldiers of opposing forces, meet in a deserted town, decide not to fight each other, and end up as close friends?

3 Who was in the pilot show as a astronaut in training, and had to face a completely deserted city, while being watched from a control room.

4. "Welcome to Centerville," dealt with a couple waking up from a hangover and had to run from what? He also almost started a big fire from setting the "grass" on fire after seeing a stuffed squirel on a tree.

5. What show ended with the words, "It's a cook book!"

Hint- Some of these easy answers were talked about on these posts.




HRacct":31tav84i said:
Famous Last Words and other things from T.Z. shows.

1. An easy one to start with, "It's not fair, It's just not fair." Which show, and actor.

The one with Burgess Meredith (Time Enough at Last).

2. What 2 famous actors, male and female, start our as soldiers of opposing forces, meet in a deserted town, decide not to fight each other, and end up as close friends?

Elizabeth Montgomery and ?

3 Who was in the pilot show as a astronaut in training, and had to face a completely deserted city, while being watched from a control room.

I can see him walking around the town, but I can't put a name to the face.

4. "Welcome to Centerville," dealt with a couple waking up from a hangover and had to run from what? He also almost started a big fire from setting the "grass" on fire after seeing a stuffed squirel on a tree.


5. What show ended with the words, "It's a cook book!"

To Serve Man

Hint- Some of these easy answers were talked about on these posts.


starsinmyeyes44":2ct85g35 said:
2. What 2 famous actors, male and female, start our as soldiers of opposing forces, meet in a deserted town, decide not to fight each other, and end up as close friends?

Elizabeth Montgomery and ? (Charles Bronson (sp?)


3 Who was in the pilot show as a astronaut in training, and had to face a completely deserted city, while being watched from a control room.

I recall the pilot was in a sensory deprivation chamber to see if a human could survive being all alone long enough to make the space flight. The answer was ... no. The pilot was halucinating the whole episode. I remembered his face as being that guy from Police Woman but I had to look up the name so I'll leave it at that hint.

4. "Welcome to Centerville," dealt with a couple waking up from a hangover and had to run from what? He also almost started a big fire from setting the "grass" on fire after seeing a stuffed squirel on a tree.

The episode was "Stopover in a Quiet Town" and the couple runs from a shadow that is eventually revealed to be a young girl who is a giant alien looking down at them. They had been captured and brought to a kind of model town as her pets.


Mee_n_Mac":1x83048n said:
3 Who was in the pilot show as a astronaut in training, and had to face a completely deserted city, while being watched from a control room.

I recall the pilot was in a sensory deprivation chamber to see if a human could survive being all alone long enough to make the space flight. The answer was ... no. The pilot was halucinating the whole episode. I remembered his face as being that guy from Police Woman but I had to look up the name so I'll leave it at that hint.

That would be Earl Holliman, who starred in his own TV show later in his career and is well-known for his role as Cookie in Forbidden Planet.


It's a Good Life - this is the Twilight Zone episode with Billy Mumy as a six year-old with Godlike powers, set in a little village...

Of course, no discussion of The Outer Limits would be complete without a mention of the episode The Zanti Misfits...


By the way, those are real bugs (The New Zealand Weta Bug)with the teeth added for the episode.


I enjoyed that link as well. Thanks, Pymi. But my wife threatened to leave the room if I watched any more of it while she was there. Of course, she was trying to watch her Law and Order show which she had seen for the umteenth time. But the things we do to be married for 35 years.

I do not know if I had remembered Shattner in that Outer Limits show. Some of the new O.L. shows are pretty good, but I do not get to see many of them. They had one about a time traveler who was caught in the future where tech. was outlawed, and she was trying to tell them they would be destroyed if they did not change that law. And of course, there was the bad time traveler who was putting a curve ball into the whole mix. It was a two parter, and did have a ending twist to it.


Famous quotes, part two!!

"Next stop, _________________." The character was a modern man who's boss was known to say, "Push, Push, Push." His wife wanted him to become higher up on the corporate ladder, and he just wished for a simpler time where he could just fish.

Rod Sterling, himself, disappeared at the end of this show with words to the effect, "He may just be in charge of the T.Z." The character was a writer.

In T.Z., the movie, this actor was seen at the start and end of the movie, and gave this line, "Do you want to see something REALLY scary?" He was driving a car at the start, and an ambulance at the end.

Any one else have any famous quotes about a favorite series?


HRacct said:
Famous quotes, part two!!

1. "Next stop, _________________." The character was a modern man who's boss was known to say, "Push, Push, Push." His wife wanted him to become higher up on the corporate ladder, and he just wished for a simpler time where he could just fish.

2. Rod Sterling, himself, disappeared at the end of this show with words to the effect, "He may just be in charge of the T.Z." The character was a writer, and had a tape player where he could speak anything into existence.

3. In T.Z., the movie, this actor was seen at the start and end of the movie, and gave this line, "Do you want to see . omething REALLY scary?" He was driving a car at the start, and an ambulance at the end.

In answer to question three, At the start of the Movie, Chevy Chase is driving a hitcher, listening to music. The tape player eats the tape and Chevy starts to play games with the hitcher, by driving without the lights on a dark night. Then he asks him if he wants to see something really scarey, and pulls over. Only the car then is seen while the car shakes and screems are heard.

Then at the end when John Lithglow is taken away in a ambulance from his version of 20,000 Feet Nightmare, Chevy again looks into the back and asks the same question, Do you want to see something REALLY scary?.


strandedonearth":1cjj02z1 said:
T.Z.: "You are obsolete!"

The Obsolete Man, with Burgess Meredith. He was a libararian who was deemed to have no future and condemned to death on T.V. Now, that was a thot provoking show. Who should determine who is obsolete in life.

Question Two Actor was Keean Wynn. He was a writer who could create any one with just his speaking into his tape player. At the end, Rod joins with his final words, to be interupted by Keean who took out the tape with Rod's details on it. This is thrown into the fireplace and Rod disappears with those words.
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