I know there is nothing really new under the sun, but I was just thinking of some favorite T.Z. shows. I never really thought I watched them that much, until I got a 3rd shift job several years back, and there was a T.V. in the break room. During breaks a guy would tune in the show, and I found I could just about tell him the show in the first minute or so. Then it got to be a challenge to see if I had seen that episode or not.
What was a favorite show, or funny one, or favorite character. Or you could relate it to any other OLD SF show you know. But you probably would have to admit your age to really do so, or be a hugh fan of such like.
One of my favorite actors had to be Burgess Merid_____, (sorry about that). He was in many of the shows, and one of my all time favorites was Time Enough at Last. He was the book worm in the bank who survived the atomic blast only to break his glasses on the steps of the library. He was also Mr. Dingle the worlds strongest man. That one was funny.
Others would be, the writer with the tape recorder who could create anything he wanted by speaking it. Or, Will the Real Martian Stand Up? Or Agnes Moorhead in her famous roll where she never said a word? Will Shatner, who saw the creature on the plane's wing. But you get the idea. I will put a list together later when it is not so late for me.
The actors in these shows made the show great. There was Joe Flynn who played the mortician for all the monsters who wanted a funeral, like Dracula, wolfman, and others. That may not have been a TZ show, but a Night Gallery show though.
What was a favorite show, or funny one, or favorite character. Or you could relate it to any other OLD SF show you know. But you probably would have to admit your age to really do so, or be a hugh fan of such like.
One of my favorite actors had to be Burgess Merid_____, (sorry about that). He was in many of the shows, and one of my all time favorites was Time Enough at Last. He was the book worm in the bank who survived the atomic blast only to break his glasses on the steps of the library. He was also Mr. Dingle the worlds strongest man. That one was funny.
Others would be, the writer with the tape recorder who could create anything he wanted by speaking it. Or, Will the Real Martian Stand Up? Or Agnes Moorhead in her famous roll where she never said a word? Will Shatner, who saw the creature on the plane's wing. But you get the idea. I will put a list together later when it is not so late for me.
The actors in these shows made the show great. There was Joe Flynn who played the mortician for all the monsters who wanted a funeral, like Dracula, wolfman, and others. That may not have been a TZ show, but a Night Gallery show though.