February full moon 2020: A (sort of) 'super' Snow Moon rises with Mercury

The full moon of February, called the Snow Moon, occurs Sunday, Feb. 9, at 2:33 a.m. EST (0733 GMT).

February full moon 2020: A (sort of) 'super' Snow Moon rises with Mercury : Read more

After sunset on 08-Feb, I enjoyed a great view of the nearly Full Moon ascending in the east sky with brilliant Venus towards WSW close to 30 degree elevation, Mercury lower just below a tree line. My observations took place near 1800 EST in a large horse pasture with clear skies and temperature 0C that evening. Excellent winter ecliptic view. The Moon reaches perigee on 10-Feb-20 at 2000 UT/1500 EST, 360461 km distance. Lunar Almanac, February issue of Sky & Telescope, p. 42.

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