Few misinterpretations clarified!

Aug 31, 2021
1) People claim that time stops when traveling at C due to the AE Special theory of relativity. That is not true. Look at photon: after it goes 300.000 km one second passes. Time didn't stop for photon. One second has passed. So, time does not stop for objects moving at the C rather it slows down incredibly. For example, 1/30.000.000 parts of the second for the 100m sprinter.

2) It is said that anything moving at the C would have infinite mass. When does exactly this transition occur? Does my body mass increase when I run? Does Helios probes increase their mass? Does muons increase their mass? Why should any acceleration increase mass? It is the kinetic energy that is increased not mass.

3) Philadelphia Experiment. The ship didn't move physically, as it seems, but it traveled through time. My theory is that strong EM force on the vessel interfered with underlying quantum field, neutralising it producing an anomaly, ship lost it's mass and disappeared, revealing itself briefly somewhere else before returning to the initial position. This happened I guess as soon as the EM force was shut down enabling the quantum field to do its work again (allocate mass and determine exact 4d position in the spacetime). Ship moved because Earth rotated but it physically stood at the same place during experiment. Actually it was frozen in time due to the quantum field anomaly caused by strong EM force. In order to prove this I will check the positions A and B on the map. If position B responds to the Earth rotation in given time frame then we solved the mistery. But we also open new question which bothers me for past several years: if quantum field exists in a form of infinitesimally thin energy grid could it be manipulated in a Philadelphia Experiment manner that is with EM interference?

Added subsequently: ...I checked the evidence surrounding Philadelphia Experiment, as well as for the Project Montauk, and found none. This two are obviously fictive. Anyway, even if P. E. is true the switch between Philadelphia Naval shipyard and Norfolk doesn`t have relation with Earth rotation. It is a vertical straight line. It could have relation with Earth`s geomagnetic field or something else. What holds ground for serious conspiracy theories are Roswell incident and Area 51 especially regarding alien propulsion technology allegedly researched over there from 1947. on.
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The importance of understanding the use of inertial frames is no small matter.

Objects moving in one inertial frame relative to, say, our inertial frame will be seen as having a slower ticking clock, as per SR (Special Relativity). Atomic clocks, one per inertial frame, have verified this claim.

This extends to light itself. Light, with no rest mass, will travel with never encountering a nanosecond, regardless of distance, per the theory.
Aug 31, 2021
The importance of understanding the use of inertial frames is no small matter.

Objects moving in one inertial frame relative to, say, our inertial frame will be seen as having a slower ticking clock, as per SR (Special Relativity). Atomic clocks, one per inertial frame, have verified this claim.

This extends to light itself. Light, with no rest mass, will travel with never encountering a nanosecond, regardless of distance, per the theory.

After 300.000km photon`s relative time changes for a second. Therefore, time didn`t stop for photon. It slowed down in respect to the environment moving at much slower velocity.
I am a bit concerned that this discussion about time and photons is getting circular enough to cause dizziness.

Because a photon has zero rest mass, it does not have infinite mass at its speed - the speed of light.

And, because the speed of a photon is exactly the same in all inertia frames of reference, it would not have any apparent change in its "time" in any frame of reference, right?

So, how does a photon get produced in the first place, and how does it cease to exist when absorbed in any manner? Aren't those changes? Are we saying that any change must be creation of destruction for photons?

Or, is this the "answer" to the double slit paradox, where it appears that a diffraction pattern can be changed after it should have been created by changing how a "photon passage detector" looked at a slit? Do photons exist in all times simultaneously? See https://louisdelmonte.com/a-classic...it-experiment-demonstrates-reverse-causality/

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