first interplanetary spaceships

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JasonChapman":1u1q2xp2 said:
...So what do you guys think?

Well, to do it "Right" we'll need a lot of technicals.. We need to know what kind of launch vehicle we can use to ferry pieces, our engine and fuel requirements and all sorts of things. Agreeing on what they might be will take some time. :)

Put up a poll and see how many bites you get. If we get enough input and people willing to head up various departments and contribute their knowledge and expertise, I don't see realizing a fictionalized version of our ideas as being overly problematic.

As always, the more work you do yourself, the more enthusiasm other people will express in participating in "group" project. :lol:

I'm up for it, if it gets enough support with a good, sound knowledge base. I can model anything, within certain limits, time being chief of those. My knowledge of Bryce is not great, though. So, anything to do with its materials room, animation or rigging features is not something I know much about. I could learn it fairly quickly, given enough of that all important variable - Time.

Feel free to put me down as a general consultant, modeler, argument manager, idea-wrangler or GNDN specialist...


A spaceship to Jupiter was alredy proposed, the J.I.M.O was able to enter a orbit and useing nuclear electric propulsion change it, and even leave jupiter to go to another planet. I think NASA even started building it before it got cancelled. Something like JIMO is a good starting point for a interplanetary spacecraft.


I have just done a very very rough concept design.


How many main rocket engines would you say would be needed?


JasonChapman":9vtluixg said:
How many main rocket engines would you say would be needed?

That depends on the specific impulse and the mass, wouldn't it? First, we need a suitable launch platform and we need to decide how to assemble the vehicle in space. All of that has an impact on the final vehicle. How much load can the launch platform lift at a time? Sections would obviously be required to fit within its capacity. If assembled in space, the sections would have a compartmentalized look to them based on payload capacity of the launch vehicle. ie: The ISS / Mir/ Skylab.

ISS Configuration
Mir Core module

It all depends on how accurate you want it to be. Anyone can design a spaceship, but if we want something to really be proud of, why not do the "tough stuff" and actually try to make it as realistic as possible? Most of the necessary info is online for payload capacity and materials constraints as well as the specific impulse of popular propulsion methods. There's enough online calculators for everything from sci-fi to present day science to provide a basis for how much stuff we're going to need to get from "here to there" in a reasonable amount of time.

Of course, despite my comments above, I wouldn't expect you to do all of the work. :) I'll see what I can find. It'll probably be best to start with current capabilities in the way of a launch vehicle. We have to find a pretty hefty one, I would think. Smaller components can be launched by correspondingly smaller vehicles... no need to ship a bucket of bolts up by a Saturn V. (Too bad we no longer have complete plans for those, isn't it?) We might as well save some costs, where we can. Big stuff for big rockets, smaller junk goes common carrier. ;)

Note: A variety of free, NASA created, 3D models can be found here: There's even an ISS and Mir to lend a helping hand. Ooooh.. even the Saturn V.. Should we resurrect it for this project or is it too much for our budget?
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