Flat universe paradox

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In string theory, there is something called “winding number.” This winding number says that it is mathematically correct to say that the universe is its present size and growing larger, AND is the inverse of that number (smaller and getting smaller). See “Elegant Universe” for more detail. Also, James Gardner in “Biocosm” proposes his selfish biocosm hypothesis, that the universe may have been artificially created using a black hole - cosmic origin of the species you could say.


<br /><br />If the Einstein Tensor were off a bit and should have allowed for a deflationary consumption of space time (an inverse inflation) to the schwartzchild metric and below the EH an FTL consumption of space time.<br /><br />This would account for the expansion or stretching of space between matter aggregations or galaxies. This would not necessarily indicate an expanding hypersphere only an expansion of space time. The same effects i.e. cosmological redshift and acceleration would be observed in a contracting hypersphere where space time consumption due to matter aggregations exceeded the cosmological contraction due to gravity.<br /><br />I know this is verrrrry out of the box.<br /><br />The elasticity of space time should allow this to occur. Tensor again!<br /><br />At the event horizon the reverse of inflation would occur and this is where the Einstein Tensor fails completely. I see space time being consumed gravitationally by matter aggregations. I think that Einstein should have worked on his field equations instead of the cosmological constant. There would be a warping and consumption of space time had he done that.
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