'Foundation' showrunner David S. Goyer on Season 2's F-bombs and fantastic visual effects (exclusive)

Sep 2, 2024
FOUNDATION, Season 2: A sellout to lowbrow culture... they "unburdened themselves".... of expenses by stooping closer to the gutter, hoping to increase viewership; make more gelt on sponsorship... It's like farming votes in an election year... make the candidates more like me and you win popularity and votes. Despite voting the same way for 70 year with no lifestyle improvement! These producers sold their art down the river; traded intelligence for hype...

Didn't they say in Season 1, something to the effect that if you want to predict the future actions of society, look at its history? This is what we folks, seeking brighter horizons than leasing used Beemers, get for our money.. a simple sellout to the highest bidder~!!!!

Between the cast selection, the lowbrow dialog and the only ascension of sorts to art, being the continued consistency of an android, season 2 is a disappointment. Now the visuals, they are pretty kool!!!.. Hari's rants, completely over done... The viewer losses themselves and the story when the pseudo-math rationals start flying as they are mixed with even more F-Bombs... Guys... you blew a really smart Season 1 with this patronization for viewership in the less intellectual and artistic audience.. too bad..
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