I do not disagree with anything you've said here, except:<br /><br />Concern about waste at NASA should be seen as concern for NASA: people who want NASA around should be the most militant about making sure funds are used effectively to maximize science, build space infrastructure, foster private industry in space, and value returned to the American people. Instead, people like myself are treated by NASA insiders to a very Soviet sort of "shut up, or its off to the gulags". Those of us not in NASA who care very much about manned space flight see the insiders as more concerned about keeping the fat flowing and their jobs and career tracks in the bureaucracy secure.<br /><br />As a libertarian, I've always known there are not two sides to a dispute. Instead, as a friend of mine calls his radio show, there is "Left, Right, and Correct". Your demonizing people who dispute the business as usual jobs program attitude in NASA, as if we are anti-human-spaceflight, is being demogogic, and frankly, your attitude makes me want to see the anti-human-spaceflight people succeed if only to get parasitical empire builders like yourself out of at least one federal bureaucracy.<br /><br />The best thing that could happen to human spaceflight would be to get rid of the 10k-16k STS engineers, force them to get real jobs in private industry, and free up those who actually are motivated to make it happen in the free market.<br /><br />As far as I'm concerned, neither NASA nor HUD is a Constitutionally legal expenditure of public funds. Killing the weaker prey is an accepted strategy of combat, diplomacy, or politics.