From a drop of water....

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"Repetition is the heart of instruction." Gen. George S. Patton, Jr.

I've found over the coarse of time what deals in time dilation and it isn't any object traveler:

Light at the constant of the speed of light takes a longer and longer SPACETIME to cross a lengthening or longer distance of SPACE, thus (light itself the thing) dealing in time dilation across a lengthening divide.

Light itself deals in time dilation over lengthening distances, thus though holding to a constancy of speed, does not, cannot, hold to it over changes in space and time. Light's speed, itself, would be infinity if could measure space and time distance to cross it instantly (as some think (unable to envision differently), and tell us regularly in cosmological captions, it does ("an astronomical event just observed 70,000 light years away just happened" (thus no intervening time difference in the observation of it)!

A traveler (and not light at the speed of light) will split universes of observation into two or more universes dealing in a macrocosmic self-similar representation of the microcosmic Heisenberg uncertainty principle.

Once more, photonic photo-frame light itself is the only traveler that will always slow down or speed up in aging according to the divide crossed.

"Communication across the revolutionary divide is inevitably partial." -- Thomas S. Kuhn.
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We know how Galaxies form.
Elliptical, Bar, Spiral, and exotic ones.
It's just amazing what man can achieve in the modern Era.
We know how they merge
We know how they can be pulled by other galaxies to pieces.
We can also determine the ages of galaxies.
We do have theories based on science.

The last time I looked, I was not a GOD.
Tomorrow is another day.
Also "science" . . . real science!!!!

"... the ... threat was insignificant, not to say non-existent, the measures to meet it proposed ... were therefore completely meaningless. A strictly logical conclusion, such as madmen are liable to arrive at after starting from radically wrong premises, ..." -- Helmuth von Moltke.

Strictly logical conclusions, such as 'scientists' (gods of science in one field of science or another) are liable to arrive at after starting from radically wrong premises. Their houses built on shifting sands.
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From 0-d point to magnitudinous omni-directional 2-d Flatland, the 3-d self-similar fractal zooms structure of universe and return:

(A timeless SPACE, the Final Frontier):



"From a drop of water, a logician could infer the possibility of an Atlantic or a Niagara without having seen or heard of one or the other...." -- 'Sherlock Holmes: A Study in Scarlet', by Arthur Canon Doyle.
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Counterintuitively, there is nothing like the accelerating expansion of the universe . . . er, rather an accelerating expansion into the universe! What I call gravitational expansion into the open, the opening, system without bottom, without top, without end (#909: "From 0-d point to magnitudinous omni-directional 2-d Flatland, the 3-d self-similar fractal zooms structure of universe and return.")!
All particle-waves in all the universes are their own mirror anti (mirror their anti)! Result: Grand total of mass energy and mass matter equals unsigned finite '1' and/or infinite '0' . . . ((+1) (-1)) = 1/0)!

The illustrations!
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As always, "Brevity is the soul of wit but repetition is the heart of instruction." -- Gen. George S. Patton, Jr.

Stephen Hawking's "Grand Central Station of the Universe (U)" in which the Cosmic All (the Cosmopolis) exists surrounding and always flowing underneath its centrally located particularly singular single-handed clock frozen as to time at an infinite trunk present (an instant moment) of time (t=0)....

As opposed to the coordinate points past-future histories ((t=+1) (t=-1)) of SPACETIME, (t=0) stands for the ['infinite trunk present'] of entangled, entangling, spontaneously concurrent (t=0) REALTIME NOW (t=0) instant moment of each and every immediate universe (u) of an infinity of immediate universes in the 'Infinite MULTIVERSE Universe (U) of All Time (of all times , , , the infinite density -- aka infinite zeroing -- of all mirroring past-future histories ("the future is the past") ("the past is the future") ("a standing wave')).

Now that fuzzy cloud infinity closes up in a Trojan superposition singularity set (unsigned '1'), the collapsed cosmological constant (/\) Planck (BC) (BB) 'Mirror Event Horizon', indistinguishable from "nowhereland" and "nothingness" but as smoothly highly energetic and, always, as hot as hell (a "Schrodinger's cat" far to the outside of the box (also far to the inside of the box (thus, at once, again far to the outside of the box)), don't you know).

"History always repeats in large aspect, though rarely if ever in fine detail." -- Attributed to historian Will Durant.
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