From a drop of water....

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The greatest thing about coordinate points past-future histories ((t=+1) (t=-1)) SPACETIME is a certain amount of "forgetfulness" (thus a finiteness existing) to time(s) along the way to an overall eternity!
The only reason we can live as we live, exist the way we can exist. move through the universe the way can move through it and act and react to it virtually, partially, independently, is because it is an 'Infinite MULTIVERSE Universe', a multi-dimensionality of almost independent verses and dimensions, at virtually every point of it. And more than anything else, I think we have a multi-dimensional gravity (multi-dimensional gravitational / mirroring antigravitational interaction) to thank for that. The fewer the rules, as stated in the theories of 'Complexity' and 'Chaos', and as stated in the 'Lessons of History' regarding natural laws, the stronger the simpler rules there are bind, and the less tyranny and anarchy, thus the greater the freedom (and more positive the energy) of action.
The more I think about them and describe them, the magnetic force field in its onion layers through the micro- and macrocosm deals in curvatures . . . and gravity is as linear straight through vector directions and magnitudes of magnetism's curvatures as self-similar fractal zooms structure of universe can be. It only seems that gravity causes curvature because no one thought of the interaction between vector fractal zooms gravity dictating the accelerating expansive onion layering of the universe's magnetic fields

The illustration of the inverse square law is a fair representation of what I'm getting at, regarding the expansively straight lines (to open / opening system) in the above:

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Many times I've described the predicted breakdown of Relativity in action in one my scenarios. I've never until almost this moment realized a connection to the elements of Heisenberg's principle of uncertainty.

A breakdown and consequent buildup of the physic of relativity realizes a breakdown and consequent buildup of the relativities of velocity and position . . . neither of which, as I've pounded upon so often, are ever absolutes!

Just as any two or more observers will observe differing, to vastly differing, object positions, so to will two or more observers observe differing, to vastly differing, object velocities.

That extends even further than it might seem . . . any two or more observers may observe, because of the above, differing, to vastly differing, mass matter and energy objects that may in fact be exactly the same object on the immediate spot of the object.

Because of some of the CGI holograms I've seen lately that are supposed to be of the universe's elements as if an object, the same object, a super-cluster or string of galaxies, whatever, is being observed from differing angles of observation, not even a little bit of the above is being taking into consideration! Those 3-d space, 1-d time, boxed CGI holograms are essentially impossibilities. The reality of both SPACETIME and the Heisenberg principle of uncertainty shatters that object-box hologram into many like shattering glass or diamonds to countless bits of both changed objectivity and subjectivity, a differing universe -- in magnitudes, too -- omni-directionally countlessly observed, in the breakdowns of countless relativities, as and to countless buildups -- at the same time -- in local-relative actual and observable universes.
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Found this a few minutes ago but I've been there, done that . . . though not at all thinking about DNA but an asymptotic geometric geometry relationship between the straight lines (vector directions and magnitudes, the self-similar fractal zooms structure) of gravity and the curvatures ("Gordian Knots" / onion layers / microcosmic quantum mechanics through macrocosm planets, stars, galaxies, and so on, and return) of electromagnetism:


Illustration of 'inverse square law' in Wikipedia....
Videos of counterintuitive infinite vertical depth to be found in infinite horizontal 'Flatland' breadth of 'Mandelbrot set' in YouTube.... Identical to SPACETIME's light-time's fine grain photonic Flatland photo-frames....



Look at th similarity in illustration just above to the one below I've already pointed to before:

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Again, and again: "Repetition is the heart of instruction" -- Gen. George S. Patton, Jr.

The speed of light is constant in a vacuum. But knowing this, per the Heisenberg principle of uncertainty, you cannot know or fix position . . . thus move that (then) relative constant of velocity to the column of infinity in real terms!

A constant can be a movable constant . . . in this case up and down all scales (a vacuum of scale: an infinite '0')) of velocity. As the traveler opens windows of relativity ahead (including to observers), upscale and/or down scale, it closes windows of relativity behind (including to observers).
Ahem! Ta da! Well almost...:


"History, which transmits to future generations the memory of those who have gone before and resists the steady effort of time to bury events in oblivion; ...." -- Procopius, 500-565CE.
Copied over from elsewhere so to go, too, with 'Points of View' above:

Light after emission immediately goes into accelerating expansion inverse squarely instead of sustaining tight beam or accelerating in contraction to a point. Why? Because gravity is inversely squarely (in direction and magnitude) fractal zooms structure of universe to open, opening, system. It's not a matter of force but a matter of magnitudes of multi-dimensional multiverse universe stepping up and down scales into universes . . . renormalizing in physics (due to strong and weak interactions set and reset) in the progression. It is pyramidical in dimensions. It multidimensionally pyramids universes in depth. We're just stuck with the relative differences when and where not landing in and on the various Flatland planes of magnitude.
"Repetition is the heart of instruction." -- Gen. George S. Patton, Jr.

"History always repeats in large (far simpler in rules) aspect, though rarely in small (far more complex) detail." -- Will Durant.

Physics . . . natural laws . . . sustainingly maintain!

Thus, regarding SPACETIME, the histories past (t=+1) is the histories future (t=-1); the histories future (t=-1) is the histories past (t=+1): An infinite present always inclusive of the time reversal that is half of entangled, entangling, spontaneously concurrent (t=0) REALTIME NOW (t=0) instant moment.

No traveler (always locked into universally non-relative t=0) travels any time travel paths through SPACE (t='1' (unsigned '1')) but the coordinate points past-future histories' serial page tiles ((t=+1) (t=-1)) of SPACETIME.
Since all local-relative clocks run forward . . . and there is no local-relative speed faster than the speed of light, the universe's clock probably runs equally but oppositely backward . . . and equally but oppositely there is no speed slower than the speed light at any distance, distant photonic photo-frames slow. Tic toc (t=0), tic toc (t=0), tic toc (t=0).

Mirror, mirror, on the wall.... Or through the looking glass....
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Menger Sponge MULTIVERSE Universe / infinite surface / zero volume / possibly lots (to infinities) of connecting "spooky action at a distance" entanglement (my own visualization and realization):


** Side Note **
The 'Gordian Knot's curvature of string (measure of rope) could not possibly be undone and strung out. Alexander the Great took a sharp sword and did a straight line cut through its curves! The one indivisible length of string-knot carved asymptotically into an accessed, accessible, many in no time flat. That sword, a traveling space and time traveler under constant power (constant force) did the cosmological job . . . NOT following curvature (NOT following the distantly obvious)!
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Once more my model advanced to fit into a breach:

Warping space (accelerating contraction or expansion of space) between points A and B contracts or expands time between points A and B. Space is the control, NOT time!

SPACETIME is the Trojan of coordinate points past-future histories single-sided 2-dimensional EM photonic photo-frame (in series of frames) pages . . . aka 0-1-d Cantor Set / 2-d Mandelbrot Set / 3-d Menger Sponge tiles and or folds; self-similar fractal zooms, vector gravitational, structure of universes . . . inverse squarely on display.
I get angrier and angrier at physicists dividing space by time, which means, too, our space we occupy right now, every cubic millimeter of space, they are dividing up by light-time (SPACETIME) . . . and that is ridiculous! Yes, sure there are infinitely many "observable universes" (u) in all their discreet quanta, but the Universe (U) speaks to equaling '1' (aka, as Albert Einstein put it, quantum entangling, "Spooky action at a distance") to an infinitely dense point of paralleling relative time (histories) dimension!

Pointing to one particular embedded illustration of tesseract!
All of us do a bit of traveling in our lives but hardly one in a million or more, if that, understands how the difference between SPACE and SPACETIME (the wormhole concept) works for them as travelers...:





Wormhole (the particular embedded illustration showing SPACE and space travel to SPACETIME and observed space-time travel point A to point B, which more or less straighter line [cut through] contraction of SPACE we do and the observation of the greater curvature of SPACETIME we observe all the time . . . which we take absolutely for granted (such as our shrinkages of the distances of Earth by going through a space outside them):


Distance / speed (shortcutting distance like a fastball observed as a rising fastball):

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((+1) (-1)) = 1/0.

That I can see from threads and posts I've read, I'm still the only one who has a handle on an unsigned Trojan finite 'constant' (constancy) of '1' versus a sometimes understood, understandable, "infinite '0'."

Constant . . . as in inexorable constant of physics or natural laws! Due only, solely to the ever continuously constant existence of "time reversal!"

"Past-future histories ((t=+1) (t=-1))" is a little understood physic. Very particularly "future histories" that are still 'histories'!


"'History' always repeats" (time reversal) "in large aspect" (the big far more singularly simpler pyramidical picture), "though rarely in fine" (far more pluralistically complex) "details". -- Will Durant (insertions mine!).
Ad#942 and reiteration...:

AETHEREAL SPACE (t='1' (unsigned constant '1')) (hyperspace, subspace, warp space, entangling wormhole-tunnel, blackhole, magnitudinous gravitational fractal zooms structure of universe) and holographic coordinate points past-future histories ((t=+1) (t=-1)) SPACETIME MATRIX are two separate entities however interactively asymptotic. The third dimensional Trojan entity interactively tying to both, universally entangling spontaneously concurrent (t=0) REALTIME NOW (t=0) creative base eternal-instant-moment, is also separate entity unto itself however tri-partite portion.
Brought over to further add to the above:

The big problem with (materialist) Dr. Samuel Johnson's kicking the stone to dispute and refute (immaterialist) Bishop George Berkeley is that both were right, thus both wrong, regarding materialism and immaterialism, per Erwin Schrodinger's cat and Werner Heisenberg's principle of uncertainty (aka "the principle of indeterminacy").

SPACETIME is no more than a map of the territory . . . and the map is never the current / concurrent territory even in the matter of SPACETIME's "future histories (t=-1)".

Though the map ((t=+1) (t=-1)) is always immaterial to the current / concurrent material of the territory (t='1' (unsigned finite constant) and/or t='0' (infinity / instantaneity)) mapped, the map in its own photonic photo-frame 'energy' right is always itself material. Thus, "observations" are also a material matter in their own local-relative right.
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Many, many, people still don't get it! You can't possibly observe the physics of infinities, so what is it you can and do observe regarding infinities?! Regarding both the physics and the math?!

Endlessly finite but accelerating expansions and/or accelerating contractions to the infinities!

Copied over from elsewhere as being part of my continuing visualization and realization (modeling) here . . . just more spoke to the hub, including any and all edits:

The constant of the speed of light never varies. Relativity breaks down. An entity can appear to be getting closer and ever closer to the speed of light while never getting to it. The actual entity, the material versus the SPACETIME holographic immaterial, is long. long, gone in position (Heisenberg's principle of uncertainty (principle of indeterminacy)) from where it is observed to asymptotically be slowing. and slowing, ever slowing down in time.... eventually to relatively disappear into a point of SPACETIME . . . never having been observed to reach the speed of light but the actual object entity reaching distantly somewhere else in position in space.

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Once more into the breach:

The big Nowhere-land and Nothingness is alternately the great Everywhere-land and Everythingness . . . all at once in '1' . . . indivisible.

Creation from Nowhere-land and Nothingness is . . . closed up out of and from the infinities into superposition . . . "collapsed cosmological constant (/\) Planck (BC) (BB) 'Mirror Event Horizon' (at once the "Infinite MULTIVERSE Universe (U) of the infinities of horizon universes (u) (infinities of discrete quanta local-relative observable universe horizons)). A Schrodinger cat: The "aethereal fine" from the 'immaterial', the 'material', and vice-versa; Deja vu.

In the aethereal fine, from point particle-waves (and infinitesimal smaller) to galactic clusters (and infinite bigger) and return (to their self-similarity), the indistinguishable (inclusive as Hawking's "baby universes').

"Aethereal fine" (my take large and small . . . infinite and infinitesimal (really no difference (out of each, the other))), or alternately????

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Space Frontier = future histories (SPACETIME) = time reversal = time travel = 'Final Frontier' (Star Trek, plus) = the 'Fountain of Youth' (an always oncoming youth of universe -- always accelerating in expansion -- at large).
On one side there are dimensions of space. On the other side there are dimensions of time. One dimension to one dimension. One dimension of one for every dimension of the other.... And never the fundamental binary base2 twain shall merge . . . except in the Trojan of aethereal fine immaterial-material holographic photonic photo-frame SPACETIME MATRIX.

Put up your left hand palm out . . . space.
Put up your right hand palm out . . . time.
Palm for palm, finger for finger, dimensions for matching equal but other dimensions.

Even for Einstein's three dimensions of space and one of time (4-d holographic SPACETIME), there is a mirroring other 4-d holographic SPACETIME, three dimensions of time and one of space.


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